What can you bring foodwise or giftwise to a friend with lung cancer?

Question by nemesis: What can you bring foodwise or giftwise to a friend with lung cancer?
I am visiting a friend that has lung cancer that has spread. What
can I bring as a helpful or fun gift? Foodwise anything? Other than
time and bringing up funny memories and good times what can I
do for this good friend of mine to help pass the time or show my

Best answer:

Answer by Betty Boop
I would make a personal appearance first and ask to offer help..they are really picky right now and not to sound offensive, very picky. So offer to get them something that they want and that would mean more … just being there most of the time is enough.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Identifying Mesothelioma Cases

Identifying Mesothelioma Cases

Article by Scultz Legal Group

Asbestos is so dangerous that even a single instance of exposure to only one asbestos fiber can lead to mesothelioma.

The rare cancerous form of mesothelioma is that which develops from the protective lining along the internal organs of a person’s body. An individual will most likely develop the cancerous disease in their lungs, abdominal cavity, heart or testis; however symptoms of the malady can take up to 50 years to surface because the disease often lies dormant from anywhere between 15 and 50 years. The most common cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, and those who most commonly develop the disease are persons that have been exposed to asbestos on the job or at home through inhalation of the substance. Any type of exposure to even the most minimal amount of the fibrous material can lead to the formerly rare type of cancer that is known as mesothelioma. Any type of contact with these dust particles – even washing the clothing of a person who has been exposed to asbestos – could lead to your later development of the cancerous disease.

Asbestos is particularly dangerous to people because it is easily overlooked. Many individuals who are frequently exposed to the hazardous material are not even aware that they have come in contact with it. For example, the substance exists in some brake linings, insulation materials, flooring materials, brake pads, roof shingles and cement. Therefore, construction workers and car mechanics run a great risk of being exposed to the material.

Asbestos can also exist in certain water and food supplies as well as commercial and private buildings. Even if you are not in an environment that breeds this type of bad substance being around others who are habitually exposed to asbestos can be equally as dangerous to you.

One of the most frightening facts about asbestos exposure and development of mesothelioma is the dormancy of symptoms, as well as the similarity in symptoms to other less threatening diseases. When a disease lies dormant in a person it means that it exists in the individual’s body but it has yet to show signs of its existence, meaning that a person could live with a potentially dangerous disease for years without even knowing they had it. Of further concern is the fact that many of the cancer’s symptoms are very similar to other lesser ailments that may not be cause for much alarm among suffers of such conditions. For example, common indicators of the disease are a shortness of breath (caused from the buildup of fluid between the lungs and the chest wall), pain in the chest and a loss of weight. These symptoms are so general and non-threatening compared to many others that they could easily be overlooked or pushed aside by someone silently suffering from a much more serious condition.The United States has not yet made the screening for mesothelioma caused by asbestos mandatory. Therefore, the only definitive way to learn whether or not you exhibit this disease is through an X-ray and CT scan of the chest cavity. However, considering the fact that most of the cancer’s symptoms – sneezing, wheezing, fatigue and achiness – are symptomatic of the common cold many people do not think twice about them. Rather than taking themselves to the doctor for medical examination and X-ray most people simply dismiss their ailments, unassumingly believing themselves to be in no true danger.

The prognosis for cancerous cases of mesothelioma is not good. While treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery exist, they are not enough to prevent the ultimate deterioration brought on by the disease. In order to protect yourself against this dangerous disease it is important to take every precaution possible when working or living in any environment that you believe may be compromising to your health. Hiring a personal injury lawyer you can defend your case is also a crucial step that should be taken after you have been diagnosed. In many cases, the help of a legal professional is just what you need to gain maximum compensation that will help cover your medical bills and lifestyle fees after you have been diagnose.

About the Author

Missouri personal injury lawyers at Schultz & Myers are skilled defenders of the personally injured in Missouri and Illinois. Complete and total devotion to the specifics of your case will be dedicated to each individual the firm takes on, and every client will benefit from the client bill of rights that ensures their wellbeing. For four consecutive years, Stephen Schultz has been recognized by St. Louis Magazine as one of the “Best Lawyers in St. Louis,” and there is no question as to why. The firm’s dedicated service and personal care of each client makes them a force to be rivaled with in the legal field of personal injury. Contact a Missouri personal injury lawyer from the firm at 866-840-3636.

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Article by Amazon Health And Medical Tourism Pvt.Ltd

Cancer is the name given to a large group of diseases, all of which have one thing in common: cells that are growing out of control. Normally, the cells that make up all of the parts of our bodies go through a predictable life cycle — old cells die, and new cells arise to take their place. Occasionally, this process goes away, and cells begin to multiply out of control. The end result is a mass of cells, called a tumor. A benign tumor is one that does not spread, or metastasize to other parts of the body. It is considered non cancerous. A malignant tumor, on the other hand, can spread throughout the body and is considered cancerous. When malignant cells break away from the primary tumor and settle into another part of the body, the resulting new tumor is called either a metastasis or a secondary tumor.

Amazon provides patients with extensive information on cancer treatments as the aim of Amazon is to cure the patient and save life through cancer treatment.

The treatment of each Amazon patient is designed to suit an individual and depends on the age of the patient, stage and type of disease. There may be only one treatment or combination of treatments Surgery, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy.

There are several major types of cancers: carcinomas form in the cells that cover the skin or line the mouth, throat, lungs and organs; sarcomas are found in the bones, muscles, fibrous tissues and some organs; leukemia is found in the blood, the bone marrow, and the spleen; and lymphomas are found in the lymphatic system.Cancer often takes many years to develop. The process typically begins with some disruption to the DNA of a cell, the genetic code that directs the life of the cell. There can be many reasons for disruptions, such as diet, tobacco, sun exposure, reproductive history or certain chemicals. Some cells will enter a precancerous phase, known as dysphasia. Some cells will progress further to the state of carcinoma in situ, in which the cancer cells are restricted to a microscopic site, surrounded by a thick covering and do not pose a great threat.

Eventually, unless the body’s own immune system takes care of the wayward cells, a cancer will develop. It may take as long as 30 years for a tumor to go through the entire process and become large enough to produce symptoms.

Since cancer can arise from such a wide variety of sites and develop with many differing patterns of spread, there are no clear-cut symptoms. Cancer is unlike many more specific diseases such as heart disease or arthritic disease. The precise nature of symptoms of cancer depends not only on primary site but specifically where the tumor is located in an organ, rate of development and also secondary spread is present or not.

There are four main modalities of treatment: Surgery, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, hormone therapy and Immunotherapy.

About the Author

ABOUT US:Amazon Health and Medical Tourism Pvt.Ltd is one of the best medical tourism services providing company located in Mumbai, India that is well approved and its services highly appreciated. Company offers lucrative and affordable tour and medical treatment facilities to overseas patients. With the expertise to provide best of Medical Health care facilities at the right time and right cost that what separated AHMT from othersAmazon Health & Medical Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (AHMTPL) as a group is present in African Continent & few other countries for more than 5 years.

Our Team has in-depth knowledge about the Services and Branches of medicine provided by Corporate Hospitals and specialized centers of Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Infertility Treatment Centers, Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery and Holistic centers of Ayurveda and Exotic Spas.

AHMTPL is now also the first ‘Medical Tourism’ Company to have joint hands with Insurance Companies to be their extended hand & represent them in India to take care of their valuable clients — due to their proven Expertise & Goodwill of the Company.

Now we have established our Operational offices for our existing business in all the above countries. In all we have 17 offices in African Continent, UAE, Saudi Arabia & other countries. In some countries like Ethiopia & Kenya we have 2 -3 offices due to high requirements.

For further information on cancer treatment in India please visit our websitehttp://www.amazonhmt.com

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13 things your Mesothelioma Lawyer won’t tell you

13 things your Mesothelioma Lawyer won’t tell you

Article by Agatha Simona

If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, then you need to choose mesothelioma lawyer who is aware of the legal aspects of getting adequate compensation from your employer if you are exposed to the asbestos at work place. Detection of Pleural FluidThe presence of fluid is usually not detected by a routine checkup because the amount of fluids is usually very small. However, when certain disorders happen, the pleural fluid increases and may buildup causing pulmonary symptoms and signs. Once the buildup of fluid occurs, a diagnosis is required.Pleural Effusion Buildup Needs to be establishedIf pleural effusion is suspected, then confirmation needs to be established with a chest x-ray. Ultrasound is also helpful in locating small amounts or collections of isolated pockets of fluid. Chest CT is also used and is very helpful in distinguishing between parenchymal and pleural disease. Chest CT will help to show pleural thickening, pleural based mass, loculecollections of fluid, or pleural calcification.However, he will give you all details;the things that a good mesothelioma lawyer will not tell you are:The names of his earlier clients and their health conditionThe strategies used to get the compensation for his clientsThe legal aspects used as arguments through the judicial system and the law court.A Mesothelioma lawyer who has a good track of record of success in similar cases will not give all the details of the earlier cases. However, he will tell how he represented the case and how he was successful in getting compensation.The exact amount that you will be charged for the case as some lawyers take a percentage of the compensation that you are likely to get after winning the case in your favourThe time limit by when the case can be solved and the compensation you are likely to winHe will not tell you any details about your medical condition or the stage of mesothelioma you have.The mesothelioma lawyer will not tell you about his analysis of your case, and give you exact details about your case.He will not tell you how much time you have to fight the caseThough you need to provide your Mesothelioma lawyer with all necessary facts and figures about your case, he will not tell you about the medical treatment you should go ahead with.The information about personal injury and wrongful death litigationHe will not tell you whether you will definitely get compensation or whether the case agreement for compensation is reached before the court hearing commences.

About the Author

Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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Is the smoke in cigarettes what really will cause lung cancer?

Question by Nick P: Is the smoke in cigarettes what really will cause lung cancer?
I know that in general that smoking gives you lung cancer, but what I’m wondering is if it is the smoke itself, or what is in the smoke that causes the cancer? Lets say that someone stood next to a wood burning fire and inhaled the smoke from it for the exact same amount of time over a 40 year period as a half a pack per day smoker. Would the person inhaling the campfire smoke have a large chance at getting lung cancer too?

Best answer:

Answer by mr_nice_guy1125
Cigarette smoke contains over 100 toxins and carcenogens. Wood smoke does not. Anyone who thinks they are the same is an idiot.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted in Lung Cancer Q & A | Tagged , , , , , | 20 Comments

Study May Lead To New Mesothelioma Treatment

Study May Lead To New Mesothelioma Treatment

Article by Agatha Simona

In what may be a breakthrough in the development of a treatment for mesothelioma, a new study reveals clues as to why tumor cells grow out of control and how to stop them.

Rosetta Genomics, a developer of microRNA-based molecular diagnostics, conducted the joint study on malignant pleural mesothelioma with medical researchers from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and New York University Langone Medical Center. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new mesothelioma treatment. It is based on the theory that certain frequency of light can be used to kill single celled organisms. This can be done by intravenous administration of certain photosensitive drugs which targets the diseased cell and eventually destroys it. The findings were published in the online issue of The Journal of Biological Chemistry. In the study, tumor cells from mesothelioma patients were found to be missing a molecular component called miR-31. MiR-31 has recently been found to suppress the growth and spread of breast cancer cells. When miR-31 was reintroduced into the mesothelioma cells, it suppressed cell cycle progression and significantly inhibited the replication of DNA, making them much slower to multiply.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are recently discovered cell components that act as master switches for protein synthesis inside cells. The presence or absence of certain microRNAs has been shown to be a reliable predictor (also called a biomarker) of how cells will function. Since miR-31 seems to inhibit the proliferation, migration, and invasion of cancer cells, Rosetta Genomics is hoping it may help them develop highly-targeted, biologically-based treatments for mesothelioma and other cancers.

“This latest publication is another demonstration of microRNA’s potential role in cancer therapeutics and details the significant impact a single microRNA can have on disease course,” says Kenneth A. Berlin, President and CEO of Rosetta Genomics. “Over the past several years, microRNAs have been hailed as one of the most significant scientific and medical discoveries.”

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that attacks the lining of the abdomen and around the heart and lungs. It is caused by repeated exposure – usually in the workplace – to tiny sharp fibers of the mineral fiber asbestos. About 2,000 to 3,000 new cases are diagnosed annual in the U.S. Because mesothelioma is often resistant to traditional cancer therapies, including chemotherapy and radiation, biologically-based therapies such as those based on microRNA are believed by many to offer the best hope for a more effective therapy.

About the Author

Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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What is the percentage rate CHANCE of a person with a LUNG CANCER?

Question by rafaelray_6395: What is the percentage rate CHANCE of a person with a LUNG CANCER?
i want to know what is the percentage rate of chances that a person to survive that have a LUNG CANCER stage two(2). thanks for those who will answer very nice, and very informative.

Best answer:

Answer by Shergill
This is a very sensitive matter. It is best discussed between the doctor and the patient. The reason being that there are too many variables. Examples of variables include the experience of the surgeon, location of the tumour, co-morbidities, patient’s age and place where the patient lives.

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Guide To New Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Guide To New Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Article by Tony Ulrich

New mesothelioma treatments are rigorously studied and enhanced in the hope that a more effective treatment, or even cure, will be found. Researchers in this field all agree that a new mesothelioma treatment will, at some point in time, prove to be successful, regardless of the fact that treatments have yet to have been shown to be better than traditional treatments. New malignant mesothelioma treatments are currently in the trial phase. These include:

– Anti-angiogenesis – a treatment with helps to prevent tumors from producing new blood vessels, hence, preventing tumor growth and development. These drugs do not directly target cancer cells. However, they target its blood supply which is essential for its survival and growth. Thus, they can prevent new tumors from developing and cause pre-existing tumors to shrink in size.

– Photodynamic therapy (PDT) – a highly specialized, specific treatment used to treat pleural mesothelioma. However, this treatment is inapt for those with metastasized cancer in comparison to those who have developed localized disease. This treatment involves destroying cancer cells with the use of light energy.

– Immunotherapy – also known as biological therapy, uses one’s own immune system in order to shield itself against disease. It has been discovered that our immune system is able to distinguish between healthy and cancerous cells and hence is able to destroy those that are discovered to be cancerous. Such a treatment is designed to aid the immune system’s restoration and improvement. Two main varieties of immunotherapy are in existence:

1. Active immunotherapy – this involves removing cancer cells and then using them to develop a vaccine which is injected into the patient. If this treatment proves successful, the individual’s immune system recognizes that the vaccine contains a dangerous substance and thus, the immune system then recognizes that the cancer is detrimental too.

2. Passive immunotherapy – this treatment involves utilizes substances like cytokines and other types of agents to aid improving the immune system’s reaction to the cancer that they are suffering from.

– Gene therapy – this therapy involves the use of a genetic substance to target cancerous cells and render them of greater susceptibility to chemotherapy. The main form of gene therapy in use in patients with mesothelioma is termed “suicide gene therapy”. Such a therapy forces the cancer cells to produce substances that contribute to their death. While undergoing this form of gene therapy, patients are treated with a form of non-infectious disease which has been modified with specific genetic elements which produces a certain type of protein. The patient is later treated with chemotherapy which has been specifically formulated to only prove toxic to the cancerous cells. As a new treatment for mesothelioma, this form of therapy has lead to a many promising outcomes for patents. However, at present, this new mesothelioma treatment remains only to be offered to patients through clinical research trials.

About the Author

Tony Ulrich was diagnosed with kidney cancer in october of 2009. He researches cancer causes and publishes articles about cancers and their treatments. Stop by his website to learn more about mesotheliomaand new mesothelioma treatment options.

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Cell Proteins May Predict Mesothelioma Prognosis

Cell Proteins May Predict Mesothelioma Prognosis

Article by Agatha Simona

A cell protein devoted to regulating water transport and another related to DNA replication could be important keys to improved mesothelioma prognosis.

The American Cancer Society has released the results of a study on the relationship between a protein known as Aquaporin 1 (AQP1), which regulates water movement through the cell membrane, and treatment effectiveness for patients with mesothelioma. At the same time, an international research team has also found a correlation between mesothelioma prognosis and the expression of the protein TIF-2.The presence of fluid is usually not detected by a routine checkup because the amount of fluids is usually very small. However, when certain disorders happen, the pleural fluid increases and may buildup causing pulmonary symptoms and signs. Once the buildup of fluid occurs, a diagnosis is required.

Both of these new studies represent a relatively new approach to the treatment of mesothelioma, one focused on manipulating the complex inner workings of cells. The Australian research teams that conducted the multi-center AQP1 study examined the AQP1 levels in two groups of mesothelioma patients – 80 patients who had undergone radical mesothelioma surgery (extrapleural pneumonectomy) and 56 patients who underwent more conservative treatments.

For both groups of patients, expression of AQP1 in 50% or more of cells in the tissue sample was associated with “significantly enhanced survival.” Among mesothelioma patients who had undergone EPP, those in the higher AQP1 category survived 30.4 months compared with 9.4 months in the lower AQP1 group. Among the more conservatively-treated mesothelioma patients, higher AQP1 levels resulted in survival rates that were three times higher than those with lower AQP1 – 15 months as opposed to 5 months. The survival results appeared to be independent of any other traditional mesothelioma prognostic factors, including histologic subtype, pathologic stage, sex, and age at diagnosis.

The results prompted the research team to recommend that “immunohistochemical labeling for AQP1 should be included in the routine histopathologic workup” for all mesothelioma patients. They further predict that chemicals which can either promote or block the cellular expression of AQP1 “may become useful for treatment.”

In a separate international study, researchers looking at TIF-2, a protein found in the cell nucleus that is associated with DNA replication, say they are the first to confirm a correlation between TIF-2 expression and improved mesothelioma prognosis. In the 89 mesothelioma tumor biopsies studied, those with low TIF-2 expression survived a median of 9 months, while the median survival for those with higher TIF-2 expression was 20 months. Because mesothelioma is a fast-growing cancer, the ability to predict prognosis can be especially crucial, allowing doctors to tailor treatments for better results.

About the Author

Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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Q&A: How long will i take to develop lung cancer?

Question by smartypants: How long will i take to develop lung cancer?
I had i puff of my cuz cigarette’s (3).I didn’t smoke the whole things tho. I just wanted to know if it likely 4 me to get lung cancer?! I am NEVER touching another one in my life because i don’t wont lung cancer! plzzz help.

Best answer:

Answer by iceman
Cmon, get real.A puff of a cig does NOTHING you. You get that many toxins just by breathing in a big city.

90% of people with lung cancer are people that smoked heavily for more then 20 years.In most cases 30-40 years even. Heavy smoking means multiple cigs everday.

It is good that you say you will never touch one again though. Because a puff can turn in a bait very quickly. And before you know you have been smoking most of your life.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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