Q&A: What are the causes for lung cancer?

Question by Wii: What are the causes for lung cancer?
What causes lung cancer? I need to know what the tobacco smokes does to the cells to cause them to not function well.
Like does the smoke change the cell cycle or like stops it or somethin?

Best answer:

Answer by Guess Who
Smoking, pollution, asbestos, and genetics.

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Find A Helpful Guide To Various Mesothelioma Treatments

Find A Helpful Guide To Various Mesothelioma Treatments

Article by Sagbee C

Mesothelioma is a very rare type of cancer but can create a very rapid decline in health that can be fatal. It has to be detected at a very early stage so that the treatment can be given on time. In the last few decades, as world-wide cases have multiplied; health care specialists have started to analyze various factors about Mesothelioma.

Scientists and medical researchers have been able to narrow down on some of the possible causes of this cancer and the overwhelming evidence points to exposure to asbestos. The most disturbing aspect of this type of cancer is the fact that life expectancy of this disease is very limited.

The History of Mesothelioma

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How Radiofrequency Ablation Used to Treat Different Cancers?

How Radiofrequency Ablation Used to Treat Different Cancers?

Article by Grubbs

RFA (Radiofrequency ablation) does not consistently administer to abort all the blight cells. Some humans may charge to be advised added than once. RFA can be afresh if the tumors alpha to abound again.

RFA may be acclimated if anaplasty is not possible. This may be if:

someone has added medical conditions,which beggarly they are not fit abundant to accept a accepted anestheticsthe tumors is abreast an important physique anatomy or above claret barge There is added than one tumor.

RFA uses calefaction to abort blight cells. It uses a delving alleged an electrode to administer an electrical accepted (radiofrequency) to tumors. The electrical accepted heats the blight beef to top temperatures, which absolutely destroys (ablates) them and the blight beef die and the breadth which has been advised gradually shrinks and becomes blister tissue.

RFA does not consistently administer to abort all the blight cells. Some humans may charge to be advised added than once. RFA can be afresh if the bump starts to abound again.

RFA can be given: By agreement one or added needle-like electrodes through the derma (percutaneous) into the tumors. This is the lot of accepted method.

By authoritative a baby cut in the skin and casual the electrodes through a mini-telescope (laparoscope) into the belly area.At the aforementioned time as an operation to abolish some of the tumor.

On the day of analysis you will be asked not to eat annihilation for several hours beforehand. If you yield any medicines you will be usually be able to yield them as normal. You yield drugs that can attenuate your claret such as aspirin or warfarin, your doctor will accord you instructions about if to stop demography these.

Treatment options:

Liver cancer: for blight that originates in the alarmist and for some types of blights that accept advance to the liver.

Kidney cancer: for assertive branch tumors acute analysis added than surgery.

Lung cancer: for baldest patients who accept cancers those are bound in admeasurements and number.

Bone cancer: Used primarily to abate cartilage blight pain.

Advantages of RF ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is a beneath invasive another to surgery. Physicians will actuate whether RF ablation is the lot of adapted analysis for cancer. All procedures backpack some risk. Mayo Clinic physicians appraise anniversary patient’s bearings and alter cate the risks and allowances of the action with patients.

Advantages of radiofrequency ablation include:

Effective analysis for baby tumorsMinimally invasive, with no derma incisionMinimal accident to patientTypically little or no painMinimal hospital stayCan be again if new blight appears

For More information About RFA visit http://www.sivr.net/Radiofrequency-Ablation.html

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At Sivr.net we provide services as Cancer Therapy and Our Florida based cancer therapy center uses best radiofrequency cancer therapy, ablation cancer therapy and radiation cancer therapy for batter result.

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Three Important Alternative Mesothelioma Treatments

Three Important Alternative Mesothelioma Treatments

Article by Bello kamorudeen

Alternative treatments for Mesothelioma are available for those who have tried other more conventional treatments which have not given them the desired improvement they want. These conventional treatments include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy.

Some of these alternative treatments have shown to be quite effective while others are not as effective as expected, some can even be counter productive. To be sure that any potential treatments are safe, you should always discuss these alternatives fully with your doctor and be aware of not only the potential benefits but the risks as well.

Some alternative mesothelioma treatment options are currently being used in clinical trials. Ask your doctor about any mesothelioma or asbestos related clinical trials which you might be eligible for, these treatments are always carefully monitored and free to the patient.

These are three good alternative therapies that can be used by mesothelioma patients:

1-Immune System Enhancers

CoEnzyme Q10-This is a naturally occurring enzyme in the body that enhances the function of the immune system. This enzyme can boost the immune system which will then be able to recognize the tumor cells as being foreign agents and will initiate a strong immunological attack of the tumor cells killing them in the process. It is also believed that this enzyme is capable of inhibiting oxidation in the body

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Esophageal Cancer treatment at affordable Cost

Esophageal Cancer treatment at affordable Cost

Article by Pankaj Nagpal

What is Esophageal Cancer?

cancer starts in the cells of the esophagus. The esophagus is a muscular tube that leads from the back of the mouth (pharynx) to the stomach. It sits between the spine and the lungs. The muscles of the esophagus move in rhythmic waves to push food and drink to the stomach. The point where the esophagus joins the stomach is called the gastro esophageal junction. The muscles at the junction prevent the contents of the stomach from flowing back up into the esophagus.

Cancer of the esophagus may develop anywhere along the length of the esophagus.

There are 2 main types: Squamous cell carcinoma, which starts in the squamous cells that line the esophagus and. Adenocarcinoma, which starts in the glandular cells of the lower third of the esophagus or in cells that have been damaged by acid backing up from the stomach.

Esophageal Cancer Treatment India, Esophageal Cancer India, Esophagus

Esophageal Cancer Treatment India, Esophagus, Esophagus Cancer India

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Causes & Risk Factors of Esophageal Cancer

* Age – Esophageal cancer is more likely to occur as people get older, over age 60. * Sex – Cancer of the esophagus is more common in men than in women. * Tobcco / Alcohol Use – Chronic and/or heavy use of alcohol is another major risk factor. * Barrett’s Esophagus – Long-term irritation can increase the risk of esophageal cancer. Tissues at the bottom of the esophagus can become irritated if stomach acid frequently “backs up” into the esophagus — a problem called gastric reflux. Over time, cells in the irritated part of the esophagus may change and begin to resemble the cells that line the stomach. This condition, known as Barrett’s esophagus, is a premalignant condition that may develop into adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. * Medical History – Patients with family history of cancer.

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Signs and Symptoms

Early esophageal cancer usually does not cause symptoms. However, as the cancer grows, symptoms may include: difficult or painful swallowing, severe weight loss, pain in the throat or back, behind the breastbone or between the shoulder blades, chronic cough, Vomiting and / or Coughing up blood.^ Back to Top


Barium Swallow or Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) X-rays : – cancers grow from the wall of the esophagus into the opening of the esophagus, creating a tumor or bump inside the esophagus. Barium in liquid form is used to coat the esophagus wall before the x-ray is taken, allowing the x-ray to show the esophagus clearly.

Upper Endoscopy for Esophageal Cancer : – Upper endoscopy is a procedure involving use of an endoscope, which is a flexible, very narrow tube with a video camera and light on the end. The patient is sedated to allow for this tube to pass through into the esophagus and stomach. The camera is connected to a television and doctor to sees abnormalities in the wall of the esophagus clearly. Endoscopy is important test for diagnosing esophageal cancer.

Endoscopic Ultrasound for Esophageal Cancer : – An endoscope with a small ultrasound probe attached to its end is used. The probe sends very sensitive sound waves that penetrate deep into tissues. The sound waves bounce off the normal tissues and the cancer are picked up by the probe and determine how deeply the tumor has invaded into the esophagus.

Bronchoscopy for Esophageal Cancer : – This procedure is similar to an upper endoscopy except in this instance the doctor looks into the trachea (windpipe) and bronchi (tubes leading from the trachea to the lung). The patient is sedated the procedure.

Positron Emission Tomography for Esophageal Cancer : – In this test, radioactive glucose (sugar) is injected into your vein. Because cancers use sugar much faster than normal tissues, the cancerous tissue takes up the radioactive material. A scanner can spot the radioactive deposits. It may be a useful test for staging the cancer.

Thoracoscopy and Laparoscopy for Esophageal Cancer : – These procedures allow the doctor to see lymph nodes and other organs near the esophagus inside the chest (by thoracoscopy) or the abdomen (by laparoscopy) through a hollow lighted tube. The surgeon can operate instruments through the tube and remove lymph node samples and biopsy organs to see whether they contain cancer cells. It is often important to decide whether a person is likely to benefit from surgery.

Biopsy for Esophageal Cancer : – During an endoscopy or other procedure, the doctor will remove a small piece of tissue. This tissue is then examined by a pathologist who examines the tissue to determine whether cancer cells are present and if so, their type. It usually takes a couple of days to get the results of a biopsy.

Other diagnostic procedures include a CT Scan and an MRI : –

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Treatment Of Esophageal Cancer in India

Surgery to remove the cancer in India : – Two types of surgery are commonly performed for esophageal cancer. In one type of surgery, parts of the esophagus and nearby lymph nodes are removed, and the remaining portion of the esophagus is reconnected to the stomach. In the other surgery, part of the esophagus, nearby lymph nodes, and the top of the stomach are removed. The remaining portion of the esophagus is reconnected to the stomach.

Laser treatment and stents to relieve symptoms : – Even if your esophageal cancer cannot be cured and if your cancer is blocking your oesophagus and making it difficult to swallow, Laser treatment may be used to clear any blockages. Or a tube called a stent is put in to allow food and drink to pass through. Chemotherapy for Esophageal Cancer in India

Radiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer in India: – Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer in India If your cancer hasn’t spread, but is difficult to remove, your doctor may suggest you have combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy.This treatment is designed to try to get rid of your cancer fully. Your doctor may also suggest this approach if you cannot have surgery for some reason, but your cancer could potentially be removed. It is quite an intensive treatment and there are side effects. It has proved to be particularly successful for squamous cell cancers that are nearer to the top of the oesophagus. Read More .

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) : – This treatment involves the use of low powered lasers combined with a light sensitive drug to destroy cancer cells. PDT is a relatively new treatment. There are two situations where your doctor may suggest it.1)As a treatment to try to prevent high grade Barrett’s oesophagus developing into cancer 2) To destroy part of a tumour and improve swallowing when advanced oesophageal cancer is making this difficult. Please Log On To: http://indiahospitaltour.com/cancer-treatment/endometrial-cancer-treatment-india.htmlEmail Us : info@wecareindia.com

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Welcome to World Class Treatment and Surgery by We Care Health Services, India. Contact Us : http://www.indiahospital tour.com || E-mail us on : info@indiahospitaltour.com || Contact Center Tel. :(+91) 9029304141. The surgery and medical treatments offered by We Care Health Services at JCI Accredited / ISO Certified Hospitals are vast and varied; ranging from Heart Surgery in India, Cardiology to Cardio Thoracic surgery, Total Knee / Hip / Ankle / Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery in India including ACL reconstruction Surgery to Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India , Spine Surgery in India like Discectomy / Laminectomy Surgery, Cervical Decompression to Anterior / Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in India, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer surgery, Sterotactic Radiotherapy, Autologous / Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery to Breast Cancer treatments, Near relative Kidney Transplant Surgery to Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy, Low Cost Liver Transplants Surgery, Hysterectomy (Vaginal / Abdominal) to Ovarian Cystectomy, Hernia repair Surgery to Cholecystectomy, Advanced Neurosurgery in India, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, Eye Surgery in India, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery to LASIK Eye care Surgery, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor to Surrogacy, Minimally Invasive surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery to Cochlear Implants, Breast Lift / Tummy Tuck, Face Lift to Low Cost Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery, multi specialty Hospitals in India offering first world treatments with board certified highly qualified medical consultants in attendance at third world prices..

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Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Article by Boris Sweet

– Coughing or Wheezing.- Soreness in the walls of the Chest.- Pleural Effusion (the place the lubricating fluid gets to be trapped among the two layers of the pleura).two) PERITONEAL MESOTHELIOMA:- The peritoneum is also comprised of an internal layer (which is up coming to the abdominal organs) and an outer layer (which coats the abdominal wall).When peritoneal mesothelioma develops, the inner and outer layers of the peritoneum begin to thicken. This can then lead to a quantity of warning signs as well as:- Ascites (just where fluid collects in the abdomen and triggers swelling).- Belly Pain.- Improper Bowel Functioning.Unike the majority of cancers the place the causes are unfamiliar, mesothelioma is believed to be triggered by exposure to asbestos. Just about each person who develops mesothelioma has a background of publicity to asbestos. Asbestos was previously imported into the Uk in colossal quantities and was a surprisingly well known development product. Even so, as our recognizing of the material has grown the potential risks of utilising asbestos have turned out to be apparent. 1 of the dangers of asbestos is that when it gets disturbed or broken, pretty fantastic fibres are released. These fibres can then be unwittingly inhaled (top to the ultimate chance of pleural mesothelioma) or swallowed (major to the final possibility of peritoneal mesothelioma). In the 1980s Uk imports of blue and brown asbestos have been banned and in 1999 all importation and utilization of asbestos was banned.Mesothelioma is a enormously significant variety of cancer and the survival rates are very low. If you discover any of the symptoms stated it is unbelievably pretty important that you go and see your general practitioner at once. When chatting to your health practitioner strive and inform them of any historical exposure to asbestos that you are mindful of. Based mostly on this they will then be capable to accomplish a selection of assessments and make an accurate prognosis. These exams include:one) CHEST X-RAY:- A chest x-ray will make it easy for your physician to test for any improvements in your lungs (thickening of the pleura, fluid in the lungs etc) which indicate pleural mesothelioma.2) COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) SCAN:- A CT scan needs a collection of x-rays to produce a 3D image of the inside of of your entire body. This sort of scan will help your health practitioner to glance for indications of equally pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma.3) Fantastic NEEDLE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY (FNAC):- If the x-ray or CT scan expose pleural effusion or ascites your general practitioner may possibly then perform FNAC. This consists of utilising a great needle to extract some of the liquid from the pleura or peritoneum. This liquid can then be analysed for the presence of mesothelioma cells.4) BIOPSY:- If the x-ray or CT scan indicate thickening of the mesothelium your physician might possibly complete a biopsy. This involves employing a unique sort of needle to get a sample of cells which can then be analysed for mesothelioma.If any of the assessments reveal mesothelioma your medical doctor will then get started with you on the proper program of cure. The acceptable treatment will depend upon how far sophisticated the mesothelioma is. A choice of the practical treatment methods are reviewed beneath:

About the Author

I am an aspiring writer whose living has been considerably impacted by Mesothelioma, my father was in recent times diagnosed with Mesothelioma and so I have sought steering from experts in the wellness sector. I always keep up to date on so many complications regarding this disease and will share my findings with the hopes that the tips will guidance one other victim of Mesothelioma.<a

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Can an ultra sound detect Lung Cancer? Or would a CAT scan or other tests be needed to make sure?

Question by WOODSEY NILES: Can an ultra sound detect Lung Cancer? Or would a CAT scan or other tests be needed to make sure?
Is it possible that a person could have lung cancer for a few months or more, and it NOT show up on an Ultra Sound?

Best answer:

Answer by gangadharan nair
The diagnosis is typically made by chest x-ray or CT scan and confirmed by biopsy.

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Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Article by Jeff

Mesothelioma is a dangerous disease that can is marked by the growth of cancerous cells on the mesothelium. Treatments for this disease can be taken from various treatment centers. But there are many factors involved with the proper treatment options. In this article I am going to discuss some of these treatment options. Mesothelioma disease can be cured properly if it is diagnosed at an earlier stage, and then there is room for survival. The most important type of mesothelioma cure is surgery. But before taking this step make sure that you have discussed the disease with your doctors. Surgery has been done at the initial stage and is a recommended form of mesothelioma treatment. In this process the cancerous cells will be removed from the affected regions of the body. The process might get complicated in certain situations. The surgery might be the direct cause of malignant forms of mesothelioma as seen on some of the patients.After surgery, the chemotherapy is the second form of mesothelioma treatment. The treatment procedure of chemotherapy is very simple. These chemicals are designed in such a manner that they are known to act on specific cancerous cells only. The doctor might recommend chemotherapy when surgical procedures do not work out to be feasible for the patient. Chemotherapy might be beneficial to some of the patients, but it does come with lots of disadvantages. The body should properly respond to the chemotherapy. If it does not, the treatment is futile. Doctors who are taking care of the patient always keep a tab on the progress achieved by them.When chemotherapy is not working as intended, doctors shift to another form of mesothelioma treatment. It is known as the radiation therapy. Specialized rays are used in this procedure to burn away the cancer causing cells. This is an expensive procedure and is usually recommended only during the most advanced stages of the disease. Doctors usually subject the patient to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is effective for some of the patients, but for others the situation might remain the same. The above-mentioned treatment options are used in conjunction according to the extent of growth of the cancer cells.

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Cancer symptoms

Cancer symptoms

Article by Ary Martin

Cancer is a cell disease occurs due to the abnormal growth of cells. It means the uncontrolled cell division and the capacity of these cells to attack other tissues. It is also known as malignancy, which is a cancer tumor.

Cancer symptoms that may occur in specific types of cancers are persistent pain in bones, nausea, unusual bleeding, swelling in the breast, changed bladder habits, continual gruffness, swallowing problems and many others.

Each type of cancer has its own symptoms. If a person is suffering from bladder and kidney cancer, its main symptoms are frequent urination, blood in urine and pain while urinating. The main symptoms of breast cancer are swelling, burning or pain, reddishness and problems in nipples.

The symptoms of endometrial and cervical and uterine cancer are same. The major symptoms include: unusual discharge, heavy and painful menstrual periods. Thyroid Gland:

The thyroid gland cancer is a type of throat cancer in which the thyroid gland may grow abnormally leading to the formation of tumors. The thyroid is a gland that is located at the base of the throat. The main purpose of this gland is to secrete hormones that regulate many parts of the body. The main reason for the disease in the thyroid gland is either over-active or under-active nature of the thyroid gland. There are four different types of thyroid gland. They are papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic thyroid cancers. Each type grows at different rate so the effect of this cancer depends upon the type.

Nasopharyngeal Cancer:

This type of cancer occurs in the region called the nasopharynx. The nasopharynx is a small area in the back of the nose towards the base of the skull. Though it is a type of throat cancer it is different from the other types. It has the highest risk factor than most of other types. Thy symptoms of this type are trouble breathing, hearing or speaking, nose bleeding etc. These types of cancer are diagnosed with the nasoscope. There are four stages of this cancer.

The person suffering from colon cancer has the following symptoms: stool with blood, change bowel habits, unrelenting diarrhea and constipation. The main symptoms of leukemia are decreasing weight, tiredness, recurring infections, nose bleeding and pain in bones and joints.

The symptoms of lung cancer are heaviness or chest pain, continual cough and blood in sputum. The symptoms of mouth and throat cancer includes ulcer in tongue or throat, which is not curable.

Prostate cancer weakens the flow of urine; the patient feels continuos pain in pelvis and upper thighs. Tumors below skin that never heals, skin moles are main causes of skin cancer. A person suffering from stomach cancer has the following symptoms: continuous fall in body weight, blood while vomiting and pain after eating.The symptoms of endometrial and cervical and uterine cancer are same. The major symptoms include: unusual discharge, heavy and painful menstrual periods. The person suffering from colon cancer has the following symptoms: stool with blood, change bowel habits, unrelenting diarrhea and constipation. The main symptoms of leukemia are decreasing weight, tiredness, recurring infections, nose bleeding and pain in bones and joints.

The main causes of cancer are lack of fats and digestive enzymes, presence of poisons in food, air and water, too much intake of drugs, deficiency of minerals, vitamins specially vitamin C and B6, hormonal disparity, pathogens affecting the immune system.

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The Function Of Mesothelioma Cancer Attorney

The Function Of Mesothelioma Cancer Attorney

Article by Ty Zapp

Mesothelioma cancer law firm is actually a particular person trusted by the mesothelioma cancer affected people to provide their position just just before a laws court when receiving the relief of payment. An attorney, by distinction can be a specific who is allowed to supply specifics and factors forward of your judiciary for any individual. Typically even away from ct legitimate agreements may well even be attained by employing a lawyer. In mesothelioma cancer conditions, the attorney performs a dominant component in declaring an enough total as compensation.

The sufferers of mesothelioma cancer mainly are people who arrive into make contact with with asbestos fiber inside of their operate environments. Even associates in the family members get to see the knowledge through the dress or hair of your employees. The issues of exposure to asbestos might even be challenged by individuals people today who will be located in shut proximity to asbestos fiber mines. The connection in between mesothelioma cancer and exposure to asbestos could possibly be uncovered lots of many years just just before. But quite a few of the organization employers disregard the alerts and also will not allow the laborers to turn out to be conscious of your feasible challenges.

Additionally, the condition is situated dormant for a long time, often even five decades just earlier than throwing up the signals or signs or symptoms. On most occasions it is likely to be considerably too late by then. The sufferer loses his health and fitness and power, thus sacrificing his earnings. Most of the time he is often the only bread winner within the spouse and children. He could have reliant minimal small children to help keep up.

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The dropping of earnings alongside aided by the costly professional medical repayments would generally lead to tremendous difficulty towards the entire household. The get the job done with the Mesothelioma cancer attorney gets to get two instances complex appropriate here given that he must deal with individuals who’ve lost their hope and similarly psychological associates from the relatives who don’t know what to accomplish upcoming.

It truly is right here which the help of a Mesothelioma cancer attorney might be quite valuable. The law firm would gather all in the connected function heritage of the sufferer, his health-related heritage, docs associated with his mesothelioma cancer ailment and so forth and offer them just earlier than a jury to assert payment for his buyer. He must persuade the court of justice which the present adverse well-being situations of his shopper have by now been brought about by asbestos direct exposure only. As typically, the respondents would try out to put together absent from accountability, however, if your law firm is proficient over ample about all in the subtleties of the situation, virtually absolutely nothing can discontinue him from gaining a enticing amount as payment.

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Hello i am really good medical blog writer with more than 5 years experience.

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