Q&A: A good friend found out her mother has stage 3 lung cancer-How do I help her deal with this ?

Question by girlie girl: A good friend found out her mother has stage 3 lung cancer-How do I help her deal with this ?
I want to be there as a friend to help her get through this and I also want to be there to see if there is something that we can do for her Mom-they opened her up yesterday and then told them she has stage 3 lung cancer and they couldn’t remove anything. What is her Mother’s chances-and what should we be doing to get her to the right doctors?

Best answer:

Answer by Patti H
My dad had Stage IV and lived for a year after diagnosis. Depending on the age of your friend, I would have her get involved, get on message boards and forums for caregivers of people with lung cancer. That will give her a feeling that she is doing something productive and helpful. Plus, she can keep her mom’s spirirts up too, as there will be many postings of longer -than-expected survival times, etc. And of course, just listen to your friend. The initial dignosis time is very very painful for everyone. It will get a little easier to talk about as time goes on. You are a good friend!

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How long does it take to get to stage IV lung cancer?

Question by : How long does it take to get to stage IV lung cancer?
If I were diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, how long have I had lung cancer?

Best answer:

Answer by Chrys
no one can tell you that…it’s as varied as people who get cancer…

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Q&A: Does playing the saxophone increase risk of lung cancer?

Question by PinkCarnation: Does playing the saxophone increase risk of lung cancer?
Is there any truth in this? That playing wind instruments increases your chances of developing lung cancer?

Best answer:

Answer by HelpOneAnother
IOnly if you smoke while you play. I never heard of such a thing.

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After you quit smoking, does your risk of getting lung cancer decrease?

Question by Sara The White Thrash Queen: After you quit smoking, does your risk of getting lung cancer decrease?
I recently quit smoking. I hadn’t smoked for long, just a few months. Does the risk of getting lung cancer decrease after you quit smoking?

Best answer:

Answer by blues

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Q&A: are you more likely to get lung cancer from smoking tobacco or smoking marijuana?

Question by : are you more likely to get lung cancer from smoking tobacco or smoking marijuana?
my dad said smoking one joint is like smoking 26 cigarettes, I highly doubt that. I think more people die from lung cancer due to tobacco not cannabis.sooo whats true?

Best answer:

Answer by Nonnie22
I expect that’s a true statement, but most likely because one isn’t apt to smoke two packs of marijuana per day.

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My friend is coughing up blood a sign of lung cancer ?

Question by : My friend is coughing up blood a sign of lung cancer ?
My friend coughs up blood after playing any king of sport. She is 14 years old. Is it possible she is having lung cancer ?
No one in her family smokes but she says that she had been exposed to some passive smoking.

Best answer:

Answer by Michelle
The best bet is that her nose bleeds and it’s going to her throat. If not, it can be a very serious lung issue.

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What are some symptom for thermal lung cancer?

Question by deppdp: What are some symptom for thermal lung cancer?
Sister has had termal lung cancer for two years and seems to in a daze for the last two months. Why

Best answer:

Answer by Carissa
my Boyfriends mom has been told she only has 9 monthes to live she has lung cancer and she just started acting very confused or disoriented Is your sister on heavy meds I am almost positive this is the reason , but I will say a prayer for her.

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Can anyone tell me the life expectancy for someone with small cell lung cancer limited stage 3rd level?

Question by Seth: Can anyone tell me the life expectancy for someone with small cell lung cancer limited stage 3rd level?
My mother was just diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. She has been undergoing testing and just started treatments this week with it. I do know shes at stage 3 and its limited stage. Please any information you could give would be great I have seen some information but hoping what you may find looks better than what i have. We still haven’t gotten all the results back yet we will this Friday. But thanks for any and all help.

Best answer:

Answer by muddywolfe
Small cell is best treated with chemotherapy which aggressively deals with it. If your mother can finish the chemotherapy, then radiation is usually administered.

Although each person is different, the five year survival rate is very low. I know that cancer is stressful to the patient and loved ones but try to do your best to help her relax. Plus, it is a good idea that her surroundings are as clean as possible to prevent infection. Her immune system will be compromised.

My mother had small cell but was already in a bad shape before she was diagnosed at age 77. Her oncologist was surprised that she didn’t respond better to treatment.

I can understand what you are going through. I will be thinking of her and sending good thoughts her way. Good luck to you. Please let us know how she is doing.

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What is Mesothelioma

What is Mesothelioma

Article by Boris Sweet

It is essentially constantly triggered by past coverage to asbestos (for this reason the alternate name “asbestos lung cancer”) and can take up to sixty years to develop totally. In accordance to Cancer Backup Uk it affects about 2000 people in the Uk every year. In this post I will be discussing mesothelioma in better detail.The mesothelium is divided into two parts:one) THE PLEURA:- The lining of the lungs. Mesothelioma which has an effect on the pleura is identified as Pleural Mesothelioma.2) THE PERITONEUM:- The lining of the abdomen. Mesothelioma which impacts the peritoneum is identified as Peritoneal Mesothelioma.Of the two types, pleural mesothelioma is substantially a whole lot more frequent with an estimated twelve occasions of pleural mesothelioma for just about every one circumstance of peritoneal mesothelioma. In the sections beneath I will focus on the two variations of mesothelioma in higher detail:1) PLEURAL MESOTHELIOMA:- The pleura is comprised of an inner layer (which is subsequent to the lung) and an outer layer (which lines the wall of the chest). The two layers of the pleura slide over each and every other as we breath and commonly manufacture fluid to make this practice simpler and easier.When pleural mesothelioma develops the two layers developed into thicker and initiate to press inwards on the lungs. This can lead to the enhancement of several signs together with:- Breathlessness.- Coughing or Wheezing.- Soreness in the partitions of the Chest.- Pleural Effusion (in which the lubricating fluid becomes trapped involving the two layers of the pleura).two) PERITONEAL MESOTHELIOMA:- The peritoneum is also comprised of an internal layer (which is up coming to the belly organs) and an outer layer (which coats the abdominal wall).When peritoneal mesothelioma develops, the internal and outer layers of the peritoneum start out to thicken. This can then lead to a amount of signs or symptoms like:- Ascites (the place fluid collects in the abdomen and causes swelling).- Abdominal Suffering.- Incorrect Bowel Functioning.Unike the bulk of cancers wherever the triggers are mysterious, mesothelioma is considered to be induced by coverage to asbestos. Very nearly every last individual who develops mesothelioma has a heritage of publicity to asbestos. Asbestos was formerly imported into the United kingdom in vast quantities and was a extraordinarily widespread construction material. But, as our recognizing of the materials has grown the hazards of utilizing asbestos have turned out to be apparent. 1 of the potential risks of asbestos is that when it gets disturbed or ruined, highly wonderful fibres are produced. These fibres can then be unwittingly inhaled (leading to the greatest chance of pleural mesothelioma) or swallowed (major to the ultimate probability of peritoneal mesothelioma). In the eighties United kingdom imports of blue and brown asbestos had been banned and in 1999 all importation and usage of asbestos was banned.Mesothelioma is a relatively considerable form of cancer and the survival rates are very low. If you detect any of the signs and symptoms described it is fairly vital that you go and see your general practitioner immediately. When talking to your health care professional try and inform them of any historical coverage to asbestos that you are informed of. Dependent on this they will then be in a position to conduct a range of checks and make an accurate diagnosis. These checks involve:

About the Author

I am an aspiring writer whose existence has been considerably impacted by Mesothelioma, my father was recently diagnosed with Mesothelioma and so I have sought assistance from industry professionals in the health community. I maintain up to date on most difficulties about this sickness and will share my findings with the hopes that the details will assistance yet another victim of Mesothelioma.<br

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What is the best way to treat small cell carncinoma Lung cancer?

Question by Magnolia: What is the best way to treat small cell carncinoma Lung cancer?
My Mom was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. She’s 63, breast cancer survivor of 6 yrs, 1 pack a day, 2 heart attacks, and high blood pressure… please help… i love my MOM….
My Mom was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Her “cyst” is only 1 1/2 centimeters along. Today we begin the first doctor appt… Please help.. i love her Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by just me
Stop smoking and start chemo and radiation are the best bets at the moment.

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