How does lung cancer kill humans?

Question by Ben S: How does lung cancer kill humans?
I recently had a friend lose the battle to lung cancer, and I want to know how he died. Was it suffocation?

Best answer:

Answer by bb
no the cancer destroyed his lungs and spread to his heart

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Liver Cancer – Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Liver Cancer – Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Article by Peter hutch

Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a cancer arising from the liver. It is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma. The liver is made up of different cell types (for example, bile ducts, blood vessels, and fat-storing cells). However, liver cells (hepatocytes) make up 80% of the liver tissue. Thus, the majority of primary liver cancers (over 90 to 95%) arises from liver cells and is called hepatocellular cancer or carcinoma.

Primary liver cancer is rarely discovered early and often doesn’t respond to current treatments — thus, the prognosis is often poor. Even when treatments fail to provide much improvement in the liver cancer itself, pain and other signs and symptoms caused by liver cancer can be aggressively treated to improve quality of life. But the most important news about primary liver cancer is that you can greatly reduce your risk by protecting yourself from hepatitis infection and cirrhosis, the leading causes of the disease.Secondary Liver Cancer Most of the time when cancer is found in the liver it did not start there but spread to the liver from a cancer that began somewhere else in the body. These tumors are named after the place where they began (the primary site) and are further described as metastatic. For example, cancer that started in the lung and spread to the liver is called metastatic lung cancer to the liver. The rest of the information given here covers only primary liver cancer, that is, cancer that starts in the liver. Signs and Symptoms of Liver CancerMost people don’t have signs and symptoms in the early stages of liver cancer, which means the disease may not be detected until it’s quite advanced. When symptoms do appear, they may include some or all of the following:Abdominal pain, especially in the upper right part of your abdomen, that may extend into your back and shoulder. Pain that occurs in the right upper area of the abdomen. The liver is a very nerve rich organ and can be sensitive to changes.

Appetite – People with liver cancer may experience a continuous loss of appetite or feel very full after a small meal.

Worsened hepatitis or cirrhosis symptoms – More severe symptoms in people who have chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis are signs of liver cancer. These symptoms could include fluid in the abdomen, a symptom known as ascites, or the need for more and more water tablets (diuretics) to control the amount of fluid in the abdomen.

Abdominal pain is a very common symptom, and also common in children. Unfortunately, because there are so many possible causes of abdominal pain, and many cases are not serious, many cases of acute appendicitis are misdiagnosed each year as gastroenteritis or some other similar condition, especially in children and infants. Although appendicitis is an uncommon condition, it can be fatal. And there are many other serious conditions that may cause abdominal pain.

Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment -bilirubin- in the blood).

Esophageal varices (occurs when the tumor invaded and blocked the portal vein and the blood drains through esophageal veins).

Rarely: bleeding problems. Many of the proteins required for proper blood clotting are created in the liver. Remove these proteins and blood clotting decreases.

Chronic weight loss or wasting. The liver processes all the building blocks. If it fails to process, the body fails to maintain itself.

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Peter hutch

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Finding the Best Mesothelioma Treatment Locations in the Southern US

Finding the Best Mesothelioma Treatment Locations in the Southern US

Article by Andre Savoie

Mesothelioma is a unique and rare form of cancer, which makes it particularly important to seek treatment from a specialist familiar with this particular disease. If you, or someone you love, has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, also referred to as asbestos cancer, the following overview will help you decide where to look for treatment.

Where to Look

There are major cancer research facilities located throughout the United States where you or your loved ones can find the best in diagnostics and treatment options. The foremost centers found in the southern and southeastern parts of the United States are listed below, and a complete list is available on the National Cancer Institute’s website.

Texas: There are three mesothelioma treatment centers in the state of Texas, two of which can be found in Houston and one in San Antonio.In Tennessee, the two mesothelioma treatment centers are the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis and the Vanderbilt-Ingram Center in Nashville.Georgia has a single treatment center located in Atlanta.In Florida, mesothelioma treatment can be found at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa.The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center is found in Birmingham, Alabama.

Why Is a Mesothelioma Specialist Important?

It is important to seek treatment for mesothelioma for yourself or someone close to you at a major mesothelioma treatment center for two reasons: the most accurate diagnosis and access to the latest treatment options.

Precise Diagnosis. As mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, general practitioners and other medical professionals may not have encountered it previously and are more likely to misdiagnose the disease as something else with similar symptoms. Treatment conducted earlier is more likely to be effective, which means it is important that mesothelioma is diagnosed accurately as soon as possible.Up-to-date Mesothelioma Treatments. Research is largely conducted at the major cancer centers, so patients who are treated at these centers have better access to clinical trials and receive treatment from doctors who stay current with the latest treatments and research.

About the Author

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is important to seek medical treatment and diagnosis in a timely manner. It is also important to seek out legal advice from a qualified mesothelioma attorney with experience dealing in asbestos cases, and the Louisiana asbestos attorneys at Landry and Swarr are ready to help.

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If all smokers developed terminal lung cancer,whom would they blame,themselves or the tobacco companies?

Question by thedragonlady: If all smokers developed terminal lung cancer,whom would they blame,themselves or the tobacco companies?
They must think they are immune to lung cancer,emphysema and heart disease.

Best answer:

Answer by april
We are all responsible for our own actions.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Latest Treatment options with New Mesothelioma Treatment

Latest Treatment options with New Mesothelioma Treatment

Article by Jeff

Traditional mesothelioma treatments are the standard treatments for malignant mesothelioma, which is a cancerous disease affecting the mesothelial cells in tissues of the human body. Treatment methods of mesothelioma diverge due to a number of factors, such as the location of the cancer cell, the stage of the disease, and a patient’s personal choices. In general, traditional mesothelioma treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, or different combinations of these three treatments.Mesotheliomas are very resistant to treatment irrespective of their stage and it is always very important for the patient to know the goal of his or her own treatment before it is commenced, the patient should know whether the aim of the treatment plan is curative or whether it is palliative. The patient must also be informed about the likely side effects and benefits of the treatment. All these will help the patient to make up his/her mind on the preferred mode of treatment. Surgery or surgical treatment is employed to either remove the cancer from the affected organ or alleviate pain. Sometimes, it may be impossible to remove all parts over which the affliction has spread; however surgical intervention may help in reducing pain. Two major types of surgical treatments include “pneumonectomy” and “palliative procedures.” Chemotherapy is another important traditional mesothelioma treatment used to kill cancer cells by injecting medicines intravenously into the ailed areas. This method also involves the use of drugs to keep cancer cells from multiplying. Side effects can be quite severe in this treatment because chemotherapy may even destroy healthy cell in addition to the cancer cells. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, hair loss, constipation, decreased appetite and mouth sores are some of its side effects. Radiation treatment (radiation therapy or radiotherapy) uses high-energy rays (like x-rays) to damage mesothelioma cancer cells in a localized area. Although healthy cells may also be affected, they can repair themselves more effectively. The side effects of radiotherapy as a traditional mesothelioma treatment include fatigue, hair loss, skin irritation, nausea and difficult breathing. New Mesothelioma Treatment provides detail information related to mesothelioma treatment.

About the Author

Jeff, an experienced seo consultant offers good articles related to new mesothelioma treatment at very affordable price.

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What Is Mesothelioma?

What Is Mesothelioma?

Article by Jerzy George

Mesothelioma is an unusual form of cancer that grows in the mesothelial cells originated in human’s body. The cells structure membranous linings that envelops and shield the body’s organs and line body cavities for instance the chest and abdomen.

Between two-to-three thousand cases of mesothelioma are detected every year in the United States, embracing approximately three percent of the entire cancer identified. Unfortunately, every type of mesothelioma, excluding benign mesothelioma, is deadly. Mesothelioma is a very cruel type of cancer that is not easy to detect and extremely challenging to cure and complete improvement is exceptionally unusual.

Sources and causes of Mesothelioma

The main reason of Mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. This is a naturally-occurring fibrous material that used to be popular in the twentieth century in a wide range of different industries. Admired because of its stability, fire resistance, and insulating properties, it was commonly used to produce thousands of different components until the wake up call in the mid 1970s.

So far the reason why asbestos causes mesothelioma is not fully comprehended however doctors and researchers have made known numerous assumptions. What is obvious, though, is that any duration of contact with asbestos can be harmful and may end up in the progress of asbestos-associated illnesses later in life.

Known types of Mesothelioma

Four out of five known types of mesothelioma are nasty cancers, and one is a gentle form.Pleural Mesothelioma: The name of this cancer comes from the lining of the lungs called pleura. This is the most widespread form of cruel mesothelioma, approximately 70% of all cases being pleural in the source.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma: In the lining of the abdominal cavity also called peritoneal membrane develops about 25% of this form of mesothelioma.Pericardial Mesothelioma: Approximately 5% of all mesothelioma cases develop in the lining of the heart, identified as the pericardium.

Testicular Mesothelioma: The is the least popular form of cruel mesothelioma which develops in the tunica vaginalis of the testicles and so far, less than one hundred recorded cases have been recorded.

Benign Mesothelioma: The lining of the lungs is the place where the benign type of mesothelioma usually develops. Until now it’s the only form of mesothelioma for which complete restoration to health is the possible outcome however it may be a sign of the potential asbestos-related troubles.

In any case if you want to pursue a suit against a business in an asbestos-related claim it’s fundamental to engage an experience mesothelioma lawyer to successfully deal with the procedure. It’s important to know that even if you have the genuine right to claim compensation, the opposite part also has the right to attempt to dispute your lawsuit

About the Author

For information, advice and exceptional referrals for some of the most experienced asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers in the nation. Your legal rights and other issues surrounding asbestos legal action, please click here: mesothelioma lawyer

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Lungs Cancer-Causes, Symptoms and Diagnose

Lungs Cancer-Causes, Symptoms and Diagnose

Article by Ali Murtaza

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers existing in the world today. The ironic thing is that the majority of lung cancers are self inflicted through heavy smoking. As with all diseases and especially with any form of cancer is to detect the disease as early as possible so, that treatment can be given to increase the chances of survival. However, by the time the symptoms are noticeable the disease is most likely at its advanced stage. But, if the symptoms are detected early enough your odds get better.


Coughing is one of the major indicators that someone may be developing this condition. Other clear signs are a cough that worsen over time and if someone begins coughing up blood. if someone is having a serious issue with their lungs, they will experience shortness of breath. This issue is typically caused by either a tumor in the lung, blockage in part of the lung or fluid surrounding the lung. This symptom is often also accompanied with wheezing, which is caused by irritation around the lungs and may indicate the presence of cancer.

Some other symptoms are Continuous chest pains, Weight loss due to loss of appetite and High temperatures.


The main cause of the Lung cancer is heavy smoking.


Evidence of lung cancer (LC) is often detected during a routine inspection or while the doctor is taking x-rays to assess another condition. At that point, the disease is simply a doubt. It must be diagnosed before a treatment path can be designed. There are several methods to diagnose Lung cancer.

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How does lung cancer affect a person’s everyday life?

Question by Drake: How does lung cancer affect a person’s everyday life?
How does lung cancer affect a person’s everyday life? I would to have some links to back up your answer.

Best answer:

Answer by mAdDi
um, you can’t breath eventually.

I’m thinking that this would effect your daily life…

Give your answer to this question below!

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Mesothelioma Settlements Allow Victims to Cope

Mesothelioma Settlements Allow Victims to Cope

Article by Nick Johnson

The diagnosis of Mesothelioma is one that is difficult to grasp and accept. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that attacks the mesothelium surrounding certain organs, particularly the lungs. Mesothelioma is most often seen in people with prolonged asbestos exposure. If Mesothelioma is diagnosed, it is possible to receive standard cancer treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. A good way for Mesothelioma victims to cope with this devastating cancer is to file for a Mesothelioma settlement. A mesothelioma settlement may help more than a single victim. If one person has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma then chances are others are experiencing illness due to asbestos exposure in the workplace. Each victim deserves the money awarded in a mesothelioma settlement. It can also help victims to cope by realizing that they aren’t alone; others are suffering the same fate and are also seeking a mesothelioma settlement themselves. It is possible to file a class action lawsuit with several plaintiffs to offset the expenses of legal representation and receive a sizeable mesothelioma settlement.

The process of diagnosis and treatment of mesothelioma is long and draining. It is impossible to carry on a “normal” life. It is impossible to continue to work and receive that all-important paycheck. A mesothelioma settlement will provide much-needed funds during this time so a victim can seek out all possible treatment without adding money worries to the equation. Again, it is wise to have an attorney representing you in any type of mesothelioma settlement.

It is difficult for anyone to be confronted with a cancer diagnosis. However, most cancer patients are unable to place blame on a specific cause and receive a settlement, whereas a mesothelioma victim has the opportunity to file for a mesothelioma settlement. It is the responsibility of the employer to payout a mesothelioma settlement when they are negligent. Most employers will recognize their fault, and in attempt to keep it as quiet as possible, will reach a mesothelioma settlement before the lawsuit reaches court. Your attorney will make certain that you receive all funds that help you through this difficult time in your life.

Thus, the first step after receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis is to seek a mesothelioma settlement. A mesothelioma settlement will allow the victim to receive the best possible treatment and help mesothelioma victims cope with their illness by giving them the opportunity to take the time to be with loved ones and join support groups. A mesothelioma settlement will make it easier to cope with this rare form of cancer.

About the Author

Nick Johnson is lead counsel with Johnson Law Group. Johnson represents plaintiffs in many states and focuses on injury cases involving Fen-Phen and PPH, Paxil, Mesothelioma and Nursing Home Abuse. Call 1-888-311-5522 today or visit for a free case evaluation.

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Cruciferous Vegetables, Cancer Beater – A Real Cancer Prevention Diet

Cruciferous Vegetables, Cancer Beater – A Real Cancer Prevention Diet

Article by Clifford Mcdonald

If you smoke, or ever have, and you eat lots of broccoli (or other cruciferous veggies such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale, turnip greens, mustard greens or collard greens), you might be doing yourself a great favor in terms of lung cancer. This according to research just presented at the American Association of Cancer Research meeting held last week in Washington D.C. by a team from Roswell Park Cancer Institute of Buffalo, NY when they concluded cruciferous vegetables can helpful as part of a cancer prevention diet.Li Tang, Ph.D., a post-doctoral fellow at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and colleagues conducted a hospital-based, case-controlled study of lung cancer cases matched with smoking status controls.The study wasn’t focused on broccoli alone, but allowed for eating all the commonly consumed cruciferous vegetables – in either their raw or cooked forms. The study found that among smokers – and especially former smokers – higher intake of cruciferous vegetables was associated with a lower risk of lung cancer. Smokers who ate raw veggies saw the most benefit.Researchers divided their findings into four subtypes of lung cancer. The strongest risk reduction was seen among subjects with squamous or small-cell carcinoma, the two types most strongly associated with heavy smoking.”Broccoli is not a therapeutic drug, but for smokers who believe they cannot quit nor do anything about their risk, this is something positive,” Tang said. “People who quit smoking will definitely benefit more from intake of cruciferous vegetables.”The percentage of Americans who smoke has fallen below 20% for the first time since the mid 1960s. If you smoke and you’re concerned about lung cancer risk, first and foremost, you need to stop. Get help quitting from support groups, nicotine replacement therapy, hypnosis or the variety of medications now available. If you have the will (or even if you’re not sure you do) getting cigarettes out of your life for good can save you not only money, but help you take solid, real-world steps to improve your health, today and over the long haul as well.When you do quit, your lung capacity goes up and your bronchial tubes relax which makes breathing easier. Not only this, the poisonous carbon monoxide in your blood goes down so that your blood can carry more oxygen. Of course your sense of smell, the discoloration of your teeth, fingers and clothing will also improve noticeably. Best of all, the second hand smoke you’re sending into the environment will be eliminated – a healthy gift to everyone around you.If you’re trying to quit, or can’t quite get there yet… eat as many of the cruciferous veggies as you enjoy from the list above, especially in their raw state as heating damages an important enzyme thought to activate the cancer fighting properties.Earlier work released in February 2008 backed up these findings with results showing that compounds called isothiocyanates from these veggies could have cancer fighting properties. The research was on bladder cancer and supported animal studies that suggest broccoli and the other cruciferous vegetables have some cancer protecting abilities. Another study, out in July 2008, suggested a link between men who ate broccoli four times a week and a protective effect against prostate cancer.So the real story here is that we should all try to increase our consumption of cruciferous vegetables whether we smoke or not as part of a cancer prevention diet.

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