Q&A: What is the life expectancy of a stage 4 lung cancer patient?

Question by A5phyx1at10n: What is the life expectancy of a stage 4 lung cancer patient?
My mom was diagnosed this past week with Stage 4 adenocarcinoma lung cancer. We do not know if it is small cell or non-small cell. I have been reading like crazy and found most passed from non-small cell within 3-6 months. but is there any change in life expectancy with small cell?? Any and all answers would be greatly appreciated. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by clock
Hi Friend,

I am sorry to note that your mom has a bad diagnosis. Life expectancy depends on comorbidities, general state of health and quality/quantity of health received. It is usually difficult to predict life expectancy. However, your mom’s doctor will be able to give you a better idea.

Now that you know your mom has a terminal disease it is important that you spend quality time with her. Good luck. I do hope you have other family members who can support you and your mom.

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Can a person smoke their entire lives and avoid Lung Cancer?

Question by Get Your Brits Out.: Can a person smoke their entire lives and avoid Lung Cancer?
I know the longer you smoke the greater your risk but in theory is it possible?

I’ve been worrying about this excessively for the last two weeks for various reasons and its gotten to the stage where I’ve convinced myself in my mind that EVERY smoker will get lung cancer.


Best answer:

Answer by Matt

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How Smoking Increases The Risk Of Lung Cancer

How Smoking Increases The Risk Of Lung Cancer

Article by Gray Rollins

With so many dangers associated with smoking, especially the correlation between smoking and the development of lung cancer, it is amazing to see how many people continue to voluntarily take part in this activity! Why is it that these mostly mature, reasonably intelligent men and women of every nationality allow such a small object to have so much control over their lives? You’d think it would be easy to just say “NO” to this tiny little death machine, but in reality it just isn’t so.

Why? Because smoking is a habit and habits are hard to break. Interestingly even efforts to raise the price of a pack of cigarettes have failed to slow the demand. And even though they aren’t cheap, cigarettes are very easy to buy, which makes it even harder to break this habit.

Smoking is the number one contributor to lung cancer. Besides causing lung cancer, cigarette smoking can cause other health-related problems including emphysema, bronchitis, and heart disease. Combine cigarette smoking with excess weight, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle, and a person who smokes literally becomes a ticking time bomb.

Here are some interesting bits of information about smoking and lung cancer.

Any amount of smoking can ultimately cause lung cancer, but how long you have been smoking, how deeply you inhale, and how many cigarettes you smoke on a regular basis all impact the development of lung cancer. It goes without saying that people who smoke a pack or more a day and who have smoked most of their lives are significantly increasing the likelihood that lung cancer will develop.

Quitting smoking may not stop lung cancer from developing, but doing so still is highly advisable. You immediately lower your risk of developing lung cancer the moment you stop (but only when you stop for good). The body will go into repair mode within a day or two after you stop. It’s not possible to determine whether the damage that has been done internally can be corrected, but stopping is worth the gamble.

Women are just as much at risk of developing lung cancer from smoking as men are, assuming equivalent smoking patterns and history. When it comes to lung cancer, men generally get most of the attention. There are more cases of men with smoking-related lung cancer than there are women, but don’t let this statistic fool you. Women are in danger too. In fact, more women die each year from smoking-related lung cancer than from breast cancer.

Passive smoking can also cause lung cancer, even in people who do not smoke. Passive smoking is the same as inhaling second-hand smoke. If you smoke, be considerate to others who don’t. Don’t smoke in enclosed spaces such as homes or cars. This is especially important around small children who don’t even realize the dangers they’re being exposed to.

If a pregnant woman smokes, her unborn baby smokes too!

And finally smoking is the cause of 90% of the cases of lung cancer. That alone should keep you from starting!

About the Author

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for LifeLungCancer.com. To learn more about new lung cancer research and the link between smoking and lung cancer, visit our site.

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What prognosis doea a patient have with copd and lung cancer?

Question by Connie B: What prognosis doea a patient have with copd and lung cancer?
My husband has had copd for 4 years and now has lung cancer and also has traveled to the lymph node, what prognosis will he have with no treatment?

Best answer:

Answer by scoutma53
I’m sorry, it’s not good.

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Mesothelioma is Serious Cancer

Mesothelioma is Serious Cancer

Article by Dhyar Irdiansyah

Mesothelioma is a serious cancer and asbestos is the major cause. During the 1940s and 1950s, construction of community mesothelioma asbestos used as the best thing that happened after the cement for the construction industry. Cancer Asbestos was used in insulation and ceiling tiles in the home, schools and factories because the high level of stability and resistance to high temperatures.

However, asbestos can cause damage, contaminants. This tends to go into small portions and stay aloft longer. For those who come into contact, a serious illness to challenge for lung cancer or lung cancer, mesothelioma.

Types of mesothelioma?Name mesothelioma, asbestos-related cancer, derives its name from the mesothelial cells responsible for protection and allows easy movement of our vital organs like lungs, heart and stomach in the body. Mesothelioma is generally three types, pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma.

If a person is suffering from hoarseness, difficulty in breathing, loss in weight, coughing, blood in sputum, chest pain, weak muscles, reduced tactile sensitivity, he may be suffering from Pleural mesothelioma or the cancer of lining of the lungs. This is the most common type of mesothelioma and almost two-thirds of the mesothelioma patients suffer from pleural mesothelioma. The Peritoneal mesothelioma or cancer of the lining of the abdomen causes impaired bowel motion, bloating, swelling in feet, and nausea. This is less common among mesothelioma patients and it affects one-third of the mesothelioma patients. Pericardial mesothelioma is of the cancer of lining of the heart. It is also caused because of asbestos exposure. However, its prevalence is rare. Pericardial mesothelioma manifests in the form of chest pain, palpitations and cough.

Lawsuits related to Mesothelioma:The dangerous consequences of long term contact with asbestos and its linkage to mesothelioma cancers has led to several lawsuits against its manufacturers. The manufactures were claimed by the attorneys that they were aware of the capable of causing harm affects of asbestos exposure and yet persisted with its use for profit motives. This is the reason why juries have ordered stringent awards in many mesothelioma and asbestos related lawsuits.

Note: Keep your Health Care Change for better life

About the Author

I am a freelance writer and has several blogs, especially wallpapers. For the sake of health care and beauty care, I wrote several articles about health.

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Lung Cancer Survival Rates

Lung Cancer Survival Rates

Article by Blaise Farley

More people in the United States die each year due to lung disease than from breast cancer, prostate cancer and other diseases combined.

If you are one of the thousand of individuals to be diagnosed with cancer, you might have probably asked about your prognosis. You would definitely want to know if the cure for your illness is easy to come by or will become more difficult for you. Although you have the decision whether you want to learn more of it, it is still important to have an understanding of it.

Lung Cancer Survival Rates vary depending on the type of cancer diagnosed and how early it was treated.

In United States, Lung Cancer Survival Rates are fairly low. This is because of the high death rates of lung cancer that is already difficult to treat. It is ascertained through research based on the information from thousands of patients diagnosed with lung cancer.

Survival rates are measures of the percent of people that are alive after a definite point of time. It is only a statistic that indicates how long lung cancer patients can survive. The five year survival rate refers to the percentage of individuals who are alive after five years of diagnosis. The rates do not say that there is someone who is cured or if their illness has developed.

The survival rates may be alarming and confusing. The numbers may have been compiled for the statistics describing the results are from data that is several years old. Furthermore, the value do not indicate in case the survivors are still receiving treatments or if the disease is fully healed.

So, what are the uses of Lung Cancer Survival Rates? For statistical uses, these rates can help us with the information about how well we are treating the disease like lung cancer. More specific information can be acquired if you and your oncologist can talk on how it can be helpful for you.

If you have the same case with the other individuals diagnosed with similar cancer type, their medical history can offer more info about your prognosis. Another advantage of the results is that, it can suggest how patients with alike condition respond to treatments. By that then, you will be able to find out the cons and pros of each lung disease treatment option.

Lung Cancer Survival Rates are also reminders for the danger caused by smoking. Our lungs are very important, without it none of us will be able to breath. It can give an idea of how pressing the need for treatment is.

About the Author

Blaise is a writer and a blogger. She is fond of researching health related information and is interested about Lung Cancer Survival Rates .

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Mesothelioma Lawyers or Attorney and Mesothelioma Research

Mesothelioma Lawyers or Attorney and Mesothelioma Research

Article by Nathalie Fiset

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer contracted by the inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibers. The fibers in asbestos cause tumors in the lung and/or abdominal lining which, like any other form of cancer, is ultimately fatal unless treated properly. The common causes of death are internal bleeding or hemorrhage from the tumors, or cardiac arrest from the buildup of bodily fluids secreted by the body’s immune system in an attempt to combat the tumors.

A majority of those people who contract mesothelioma are in their middle to late years in life, since the symptoms manifest only after 20 to 50 years after exposure. For this reason, the number of cases of diagnosed mesothelioma patients has been steadily growing, due to the fact that asbestos was mainly in use for most industrial work during the 1970s and 1980s.

To help the afflicted victims of asbestos induced cancer, certain law firms and lawyers have begun to specialize in cases of mesothelioma. More often than not, companies in the past were aware of the adverse effects of asbestos fibers on the human body, yet failed to take proper precaution with their workers.

In cases like these, the injured patients are assisted by the lawyers or firms in finding out exactly (or approximately) when and from which source they contracted mesothelioma. A properly presented and defended case can bring in millions of dollars by way of compensation for the injured parties.

Aside from work related cases, there have also been cases where careless demolition of houses and buildings which had asbestos in the foundations and walls (in an attempt at fireproofing) were also revealed to introduce large quantities of airborne asbestos fibers which causes nearby residents mesothelioma. Again, these cases can be traced by these law firms and won in a court of law with proper presentation.

Then there are also law firms which specialize in malpractise suits against doctors which used “alternative” (meaning unproven) methods of treatment for mesothelioma. The common accepted method of treating mesothelioma is to use heat/laser surgery and chemotherapy in tandem to burn out the tumors without damaging the healthy body cells. The alternative methods include medicines to boost the body’s immune and regenerative systems as well as alternative diets and exercise.

Classic tumor removal surgery for cancer is actually ineffective against mesothelioma, and has led to patents dying after an apparently successful operation. The maximum life span after an operation is set at around 5 years. Again, conducting regular surgery to treat mesothelioma can also lead to a malpractise suit.

Another type of law suit that mesothelioma law firms and lawyers can pursue is negligence. While not as severe as a malpractise suit, it can still be damaging to a doctor’s career and can bring in a fairly decent amount in compensation if the case is won.

The reason for this type of case is that mesothelioma symptoms are actually quite similar in nature to any number of relatively harmless disorders, including common old age maladies, asthma, and indigestion. When these regular treatments fail, a good doctor should recommend an x ray, and these will reveal the presence of tumors in the lungs or stomach. Some doctors, however, will simply write off the current treatments as ineffective and prescribe another set of medicines instead of choosing an x ray, and this leads to the true problem being undiagnosed.

These are some of the major common cases handled by mesothelioma lawyers and law firms, and their credo is to help their clients find justice against the parties which have wronged them. While they cannot directly do anything to cure the mesothelioma, they can at least see to it that justice is served and compensation for the injury is recovered, and the money gained from the law suits can go a long way towards helping their clients get proper treatment.

Lastly, it is advised by mesothelioma lawyers that as soon as a person is diagnosed with it they contact a lawyer as soon as possible, since there is a short statute of limitations for filing a case of mesothelioma. The lawyers can then proceed to do their initial research to determine if the injured party has a solid case and enough evidence to make a successful claim in a court of law. If the answer is yes, then a case can be filed and everything proceeds from there.

About the Author

For more complete information on mesothelioma please go to: http://freemesotheliomalawyer.com/lawyers-attorney-for-mesothelioma/http://freemesotheliomalawyer.comwww.drnathaliefiset.com

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Q&A: Can pneumonia be mistaken for tuberculosis or lung cancer?

Question by likearock412: Can pneumonia be mistaken for tuberculosis or lung cancer?
My grandfather is currently in the hospital with pneumonia. He has a mass on his lung and they said they are going to be testing for tuberculosis that he may have gotton when he served in the Korean war nearly 60 years ago. They are also going to test for lung cancer. He’s lost 15lbs in a week, he gets the chills and he has a cough..I’m not sure what else hes feeling. Anybody know any knowledgable information on these 3 diseases?

Best answer:

Answer by Marco’s girl
Believe that they are running all these test to be sure of the diagnosis. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish. My mother used to get diagnosed with pneumonia a lot, when in reality what they were seeing on the xray was scaring from COPD (Chronic Pulmonary Disease). Fifteen pounds is a tremendous amount of weight to lose in a week however, but that could be explained from being ill and not being able to eat much. I know it is hard to wait for test results, but try not to panic. They will find out the answer and treat your grandfather for whatever is the problem. I am sure he is already on intravenous antibiotics. Take care and try not to stress.

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Mesothelioma Lawsuits: Information You Need

Mesothelioma Lawsuits: Information You Need

Article by Kareem Montoya

.The peritoneum, which is the tissue that surrounds the abdomen, can fall victim to a cancer named malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. Your inner organs are allowed to perform as efficiently as they do because of the fluid developed by this lining tissue. One particular out of every 10 malignant mesothelioma is attributed to this certain cancer, producing it scarcer than the disease that influences lung and chest lining, malignant pleural mesothelioma. No make any difference in which you dwell, asbestos is typically the cause of most malignant mesotheliomas.If you have malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, you can usually tell due to signs or symptoms like swelling in the belly area, sudden reduction of bodyweight and appetite, nausea, constipation, and ache in the belly location. A great deal of conditions can create signs and symptoms like these, and occasionally malignant peritoneal mesothelioma isn’t diagnosed, due to the fact the client has no concept or doesn’t recall becoming uncovered to asbestos.If a medical doctor thinks you may have malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, they usually order MRIs or CT scans, so they can look for stomach anomalies. In the function they locate these things in a patient, a biopsy is also ordered to find out what kinds of cells exist within the tissue.Soon after a prognosis is manufactured, the type of cancerous cell they uncover can tremendously establish treatment and prognosis. You have a fairly very good opportunity statistically surviving epithelioid cell cancers, as effectively as combined cell cancers. However, you have reason to fret if you have sarcomatoid cell cancer. In these instances, patients frequently survive a single year, and only 10% of clients endure five. Given that this prognosis is these kinds of a hazardous and urgent one, the medical professional will try to get you commenced as shortly as feasible on the most aggressive treatments you can handle. Cancerous masses can be removed via surgical treatment. The cancer cells that are left are killed off with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.Mesothelioma is a quite rare sort of cancer. The cells in this form of cancer are located in mesothelioum, which is a protecting bag that covers most of the internal organs in the entire body. There are two varieties of mesothelioma – pleural and peritoneal.Pleural mesothelioma is relevant to the sac that covers the pleural cavity which goes around the lungs and peritoneal mesothelioma is connected to the tissue that surrounds the belly area.Mesothelioma is triggered when a employee is seriously uncovered to asbestos for a lengthy time period of time. The issue has turn out to be really typical because asbestos is present in a range of products. The number of individuals obtaining uncovered to asbestos is extremely large and the chances of the cancer spreading between folks have elevated significantly. A lot of individuals have also misplaced their lives since of lack of treatment method.The therapy for this sort of illness includes chemotherapy and radiation, medical trials or medical procedures. There are a lot of employees who are suffering from this illness and there are many who have lost their lives.A quite severe symptom of mesothelioma is irritation and the worker could get really vital. If a patient is diagnosed with mesothelioma, he or she really should immediately seek the advice of a medical professional for advice and info about the remedy options.

About the Author

Scientists collected information about mesothelioma that can assist us find out about the proclivities of the illness and its incidence and probably assist foreseeable future individuals as we learn a lot more about mesothelioma information.

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What stage of lung cancer does this sound like?

Question by Kaden Russ: What stage of lung cancer does this sound like?
My cousin was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, and he won’t mention the stage the cancer is. The doctors said he has about a 25% chance of making it through, and he goes to radiation 5 days a week, along with chemotherapy once a week. Hes pretty unhealthy, and can’t eat/drink almost anything. He’s been given permission from his doctor to take at least 3 months off from work. I know his chances are low, but does this like stage 3 or 4? We’re all doing research, and are pretty worried about him. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by reportmeplease
stop doing research! it’s not doing anything for him or you. it doesn’t matter if it’s stage 3 or 4.

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