Mesothelioma – Lets help relieve the pain!

Mesothelioma – Lets help relieve the pain!

Article by Jennie

When we think about Mesothelioma the first word that strikes our mind is Cancer. But have we ever thought, what exactly is Mesothelioma? It’s a rare cancer in the extremely thin layer of the tissue that covers the majority of organs of your body. People suffering from this disease go through severe mental and physical pain. We need to support them and also understand their pain. Below are some points that will help you understand how we can work on this.

Most of the time people who suffer from Mesothelioma experience pain due to their illness. The pain that they have depends on the stage or extent of Mesothelioma that they have and also on their tolerance power.

The cause of pain may be due to several reasons. Some are listed below:

•One reason can be the tumor that is present in their body. If this tumor is pressed against their bones or nerves or any other body part, significant pain can be experienced.

•The treatment that is given for Mesothelioma is very harsh and can be painful. Even this can cause unbearable pain to the patient.

•Also there are general pains that cannot be related to cancer. Pains like a headache or muscle ache are typical.

There are various steps that can help the pain that is caused by Mesothelioma. The patient’s doctor can help in reducing these pains in different ways like:

•Radiation Therapy •Pain medicine•Nerve block•Alternative treatments

Radiation can help in relieving pain as it reduces the size of the tumor present in the Mesothelioma patient’s body. Radiation Therapy can be combined with chemotherapy and/or surgery.

Even pain medicines offer relief in Mesothelioma pain. It is safe to use any medicine if you use it properly and under observation of a doctor or a nurse. Some pain killers can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription and for some a prescription is mandatory. Most of us are always worried of getting addicted to these medications but this happens rarely.

The nerve block is a process where a doctor injects alcohol into the area around the nerves near the lungs to block the pain of Mesothelioma.

There are alternative treatments like massage, acupuncture and acupressure that can help decrease the pain of Mesothelioma.

It is always good to communicate openly with your doctor or nurse about the pain of Mesothelioma. The better you communicate the better they can understand. You can also share each others views about the medicines that help you get relief from the pain and the ones which do not. For more information on Mesothelioma pain you can contact your doctor, pharmacist or a social worker.

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The Causes of Lung Cancer

The Causes of Lung Cancer

Article by Jennifer Stone

Cancer is one of the dangerous diseases on the rise in the whole of the world. And many are not aware that any part of the body can have cancer. We hear about many cases having breast, cervical, ovarian, colon, lung and prostate cancer etc. and even the top medical news consists of finding new cures for cancer.

Lung cancer is the cancer that starts in lungs, which are located in the chest and helps the person to breathe. When the air is inhaled, the air goes through windpipe (trachea) into the lungs and spreads through the tubes called bronchi. Generally, it begins in the cells on the lining of the bronchi tubes.

The cancer of lung can be categorized in two types: the common type of it known as NSCLC – non small cell and small cell which makes about 20% of mostly all it cases. If there is a combination of both these types of lung cancer, it is known as mixed small cell/large cell cancer. When the cancer has not originated in the lungs but spreads from the other body parts to the lungs, it is known as metastatic cancer to the lung.

Lung cancer is said to be the deadliest type of cancer for both men and women. Lung cancer kills more people than many of the cancers combined together. It is common in elder people mostly above the age of 45. Although cigarette smoking is the lead cause of cancer, it also occurs in people who have never smoked.

The risk of cancer is greater when more cigarettes are smoked per day and if it is started at an earlier age. And it may be a myth that smoking low-tar cigarettes lowers the risk. One should also be aware that passive smoking i.e. inhaling the smoke of others increases the risk of this. It is estimated by American Cancer Society that 3000 non-smoking adults die each year of lung cancer due to passive smoking.

The other causes for the risk of the cancer of lungs may be asbestos, family history, high level of arsenic in drinking water or air-pollution, radiation therapy to lungs, radon gas, or exposure to chemicals causing cancer like mustard gas, uranium, nickel chromates, gasoline, diesel exhaust, beryllium, chloromethyl ethers and vinyl chloridecoal products.One should quit smoking as it is never too late and dramatically reduces the risk of lung cancer. One should avoid inhaling the smoke from other’s pipes, cigars and cigarettes.

About the Author

Lung cancer is a disease that consists of uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. This growth may lead to metastasis, which is the invasion of adjacent tissue and infiltration beyond the lungs. Find out more about lung cancer and top medical news visit our website.

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How should I construct a short love story about a girl or guy with lung cancer?

Question by Vanessa♥: How should I construct a short love story about a girl or guy with lung cancer?
I don’t know what to do.

Like I want one of them have lung cancer and they only have 1 year to live. Theyll fall in love and near the end itll be tragic. The other person doesnt know until half a year later. Idk what else to include in it, like what would the main conflict be? Anything I could do to help this? List your ideas please [;

Best answer:

Answer by laney
What if the two meet durring chemo treatments because they both have cancer and then one of them goes into remission and the other one dies.

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Dog Disease: Lung Cancer

Dog Disease: Lung Cancer

Article by Ashley Peach

Our dogs are very important to us, and sometimes they get sick without our even realizing it. Most of the time with cancer it starts off slow and then as they progress further into the disease there are more symptoms that appear. When you are trying to keep your dog with you for years you are already doing everything you can in care and health. Sometimes that just isn’t enough, especially if they are genetically predisposed to having some type of cancer form. You will find that there usually is nothing you can do to really prevent cancer from occurring in your dog, but there are treatments and of course understanding the disease is very important.

Lung cancer is just one type of cancer that can really affect your dog. With lung cancer in dogs there are several symptoms that will help your figure out that your dog is ill. You have to keep in mind also that lung cancer doesn’t really pick just one breed. In fact lung cancer can be in any dog. There are a couple of types of lung cancer. The types of lung cancer are carcinoma and hemangiosarcoma. We will concentrate on carcinoma for this article. Carcinoma lung cancer is usually malignant, which means that it will cause death if it is not treated. As you can imagine we are still unsure about the actual cause of the cancer, but it has been linked to smoking for some dogs. Second hand smoke as we all know can affect a dog. So be careful if you smoke to not smoke around your dog. They will have a longer healthier life because of your caution.

Lung cancer is most usually marked by chronic coughing, lethargy, trouble breathing, weight loss, and coughing up blood. The symptoms will usually start off slow. In other words the carcinoma will form in the lung as a small mass. This usually causes trouble breathing and a little cough at first. As the mass grows the symptoms will begin to get worse. Usually when there is blood present in the saliva it means the lung has begun to deteriorate and the dog may have actually ruptured the cancer cells. This exacerbation of the lung cancer can cause immediate death if you don’t rush them into surgery. You mat also begin to see numbness in the limbs. Your dog may begin to drag their hind legs rather than walking, they may also begin to show less movement in sleep as well as during the day.

Prevention is very difficult when you do not know the cause, however when you keep your dog away from smoke, give them a healthy diet with the proper nutrients, and exercise them daily they are less likely to form cancer cells in the lungs. For treatment you will find surgery is usually the first option. Surgery will remove the mass from the lung and medication will help the lung to heal. In some cases the mass may be too large to remove without compromising the entire lung. In this case the vet may suggest radiation therapy to reduce the mass until they can remove it surgically with some safety or until the actual mass disappears. Radiation and chemotherapy work to reduce the mass as well as hinder abnormal cells from forming again. In some cases it may take a couple of surgeries or treatments of radiation before your dog is truly healthy again. As the owner you have the responsibility to see that your dog is properly cared for. Lung cancer in dogs can be deadly so make sure to watch your dog for symptoms.

About the Author

Ashley Peach writes for the websites dog toys, dog beds and dog treats.

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How to Select a Mesothelioma Treatment Option

How to Select a Mesothelioma Treatment Option

Article by Josh Harding

Malignant mesothelioma is a terribly dangerous illness which makes choosing the best mesothelioma treatment option extraordinarily important. Find out which mesothelioma treatment approaches will offer the greatest prognosis.

A treatment that cures mesothelioma does not yet exist, but people may still be able to obtain miscellaneous procedures for their malignancy or additionally take part in clinical trials. The mesothelioma cancer treatment techniques regularly suggested are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Even though these are the most popular, you’ll notice additional therapies that are gaining in attractiveness, most of which are still experimental. Some of these procedures are immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and gene therapy.

There are three distinct kinds of surgery for mesothelioma cancer patients; analgesic surgery, diagnostic surgical procedures, and curative surgery. Palliative surgical procedures are to relieve the pain and involves completely removing some of the cancerous cells. Nonetheless, this kind of surgery doesn’t provide a cure.

The goal of curative surgical procedures are to take away as much of the cancerous tissue as possible with the hope that it might be enough to completely cure the patient. When curative surgery is performed they are typically followed up with radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Diagnostic surgeries are merely used to determine if mesothelioma cancer actually is present in an individual or not. It furthermore assists in finding where it’s located, if it is found, and is customarily non-invasive.

Drugs created for chemotherapy are usually given intravenously with the objective of destroying cancerous cells. Cancer cells will multiply quite fast so it’s a good idea to start chemotherapy as soon as you can.

The point of radiation treatment is comparable to chemotherapy, to kill mesothelioma cells plus slow the proliferation of cancer cells as much as possible. It’s also called “ionizing radiation” and is generally used after surgical procedures have been carried out. It’s now and then employed as palliative therapy to relieve the actual pain caused by the affliction.

Photodynamic therapy is typically used only if the mesothelioma cancer is confined to a small area and isn’t deemed very effective when the mesothelioma has metastasized. Photodynamic therapy entails giving the patient medicine intravenously that makes mesothelioma cells very susceptible to a certain form of light. Several days after photodynamic therapy the patient is then subjected to this specific light, destroying the mesothelioma cancer cells that previously absorbed the medicine.

Gene therapy is still experimental and includes infecting the patient with a virus which has been genetically altered. The virus makes its way into mesothelioma cells which causes the production of a protein. A short while after infecting the patient with the genetically altered virus, the person is treated with a drug which won’t be toxic to regular cells, but is designed to be toxic to mesothelioma cancer cells.

Immunotherapy attempts to fool the person’s immune system into killing mesothelioma cancer cells. With active immunotherapy the patient has a portion of their malignant mesothelioma cells taken out and then used to make a vaccine. The patient is then injected with the vaccine which may result in the person’s immune system identifying the “mesothelioma cell vaccine” as a toxic substance, and therefore identifying the mesothelioma cancer itself as a noxious substance.

About the Author

Hear more on the subject of searching for the most current mesothelioma treatment option, or get further details on the subject of mesothelioma clinical trials.

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Top 5 Signs Of Lung Cancer To Long-term Smokers

Top 5 Signs Of Lung Cancer To Long-term Smokers

Article by Win.Ho

Usually in the early of lung cancer, there are no special symptoms. Only when lung cancer is developed to a certain stage, there will be some symptoms, including cough, blood in sputum, fever, chest pain, chest tightness and some other respiratory symptoms. Lung cancer may easily be overlooked or be treated as pneumonia, so to cause the delay condition. People above 40 years old especially have a long history of smoking or passive smoking, must have a regular physical examination annually. People should also be vigilant immediately for medical treatment when the following performance appears, which is helpful to find lung cancer in time.

1. Chronic Cough

Tumour stimulates the trachea, will often lead to irritating cough. This cough has nothing to do with the season, time or medication. This is the most common symptoms of lung cancer, and about 2/3 of the patients have this symptom. People must be prudent when there is a cough of unknown causes. Some people who has a long-term chronic cough must go to see a doctor when he feels that the cough situation has changed.

2. Blood In Sputum

Tumour causes cell necrosis and broken of capillaries, a small amount of bleeding mixed with sputum and so this iIntermittent or persistent symptom appears. About 50% of the patients with lung cancer have this symptom.

3. Chest Pain

About 30%-40% of lung cancer patients will appear chest pain, generally not keen intermittent chest pain, mainly shown as stuffy pain or vague pain with uncertain location, may continue from several minutes to several hours.

4. Repeated Fever

Bronchial cavity was blocked by tumor, poor drainage may lead to fever. The body temperature is generally under 38 degrees. Treat early with antibiotic, the body temperature can return to normal, but easy to relapse.

5. Chest Tightness And Shortness Of Breath

Tumor will affect the normal lung function, and will lead to chest tightness and shortness of breath when people are tired, which is the most obvious in central lung cancer.

About the Author

Win.Ho writes articles about cancers, introduces symptoms of several types of cancer, cancer treatment, cancer causes and more. Find more cancer informations in his site

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Looking For Help With Mesothelioma?

Looking For Help With Mesothelioma?

Article by Jason Rowe

Publicity to airborne asbestos particles boosts one’s risk of building malignant mesothelioma.Mesothelioma diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma has a peak incidence 35-45 years right after asbestos exposure. Malignant mesothelioma is a rare variety of cancer in which malignant cells are located in the sac lining the chest or abdomen. Most folks with malignant mesothelioma have on worked on work wherever they breathed asbestos.It can also take place in children nonetheless, these conditions are not thought to be involved with asbestos exposure.Most individuals who produce mesothelioma get worked on work opportunities where by they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other techniques, this kind of as by washing the apparel of a family member who worked with asbestos, or by residence renovation applying asbestos cement items.Treatment solutions a mesothelioma diagnosis for the management of malignant mesothelioma incorporates surgical procedure, chemotherapy, radiation, and multimodality remedy. Surgical procedure in victims with ailment confined to the pleural area is sensible.Extrapleural pneumonectomy is a a lot more extensive process and has a increased mortality charge. Just lately, the mortality fee has been decreased to 3.8%. It requires dissection of the parietal pleura division of the pulmonary vessels and en bloc resection of the lung, pleura, pericardium, and diaphragm followed by reconstruction. It provides the biggest community control mainly because it removes the total pleural sac along with the lung parenchyma.The 2 surgical procedures utilised are pleurectomy with decortication and extrapleural pneumonectomy.Surgical resection has been relied on since radiation and chemotherapy get hold of been ineffective unequivocal treatment plans. There are now a quantity of cancer therapy solutions open to mesothelioma individuals. Extrapleural pneumonectomy for picked victims with quite early stage disorder may broaden recurrence-absolutely free survival, but the impression it has on overall survival is unknown at this time.Mesothelioma diagnosis can be intimidating and can scare a ton of folks, but mesothelioma diagnosis might give you a fighting chance if can be diagnose early. So do oneself a favor if you consider that what you are struggling from and had worked in an asbestos associated workplace.The purpose of this kind of investigations in mesothelioma diagnosis is to affirm and to ascertain the kind of mesothelioma, to ‘stage’ the illness (measure how significant it is), and so to assess regardless of whether the disorder is operable.The peritoneum, which is the tissue that surrounds the abdomen, can fall victim to a cancer identified as malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. Your internal organs are allowed to work as efficiently as they do simply because of the fluid developed by this lining tissue. An individual out of every last 10 malignant mesothelioma is attributed to this unique cancer, earning it scarcer than the disease that affects lung and chest lining, malignant pleural mesothelioma. No matter where you dwell, asbestos is ordinarily the result in of most malignant mesotheliomas.If you have malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, you can normally inform due to signs like swelling in the stomach area, sudden loss of excess weight and appetite, nausea, constipation, and soreness in the abdominal area. A whole lot of circumstances can generate signs or symptoms like these, and sometimes malignant peritoneal mesothelioma isn’t diagnosed, because the affected person has no strategy or doesn’t recall staying exposed to asbestos.

About the Author

I am a research officer for the navy. I spend most my time these days working on the history of asbestos use in the navy. Mostly for lawsuits.

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Q&A: How long does it take to get lung cancer?

Question by Chris: How long does it take to get lung cancer?
I’m 15.
I don’t live in a polluted area.
I smoke marijuana maybe 10 times a year.
I’ve had 1 drag of a tobacco cigarette.
I have a bad throat lately, and white, painless bumps on the back of my tongue.

Lung cancer?

Best answer:

Answer by Jon
Rofl dude -.- I’m 19 and I’ve smoked for about 6 years now and I feel fine 😛 and I have a family history of cancer… And the white lumps you see in the back of your tongue are nothing to worry about, Also if you are worried just see a doctor 😛

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Searching For Help With Mesothelioma?

Searching For Help With Mesothelioma?

Article by Jason Rowe

The standard abnormalities viewed on chest x-ray in patients with malignant mesohtelioma are pleural effusion (a assortment of fluid in the space among the two layers of the pleura), or it is termed pleural thickening.In contrast to lung cancer, there is no association among mesothelioma and smoking Malignancies involving mesothelial cells in these spread cavities are identified as malignant mesothelioma, which could be localized or diffuse. Mesothelioma is the phrase employed to describe a cancerous tumor that entails the mesothelial cells of an organ, frequently the lungs, heart, or abdominal organs.Mesothelioma diagnosis in this condition, malignant cells acquire in the mesothelium, a protective lining that addresses transcendently of the spread’s internal organs. Greatest malignant mesothelioma set up complicated karyotypes, with comprehensive aneuploidy and rearrangement of tons chromosomes.Indicators of mesothelioma might not seem till 20 to fifty decades immediately after publicity to asbestos. Mesothelioma diagnosis is often tough, since the symptoms are comparable to individuals of a amount of other conditions. A background of coverage to asbestos may well boost medical suspicion for mesothelioma.A bodily examination is performed, followed by chest X-ray and generally lung perform assessments. The X-ray may reveal pleural thickening frequently seen following asbestos exposure if mesothelioma diagnosis is accomplished.If the cancer has length past the mesothelium to other components of the dimension, signs or symptoms could involve pain, difficulty swallowing, or swelling of the neck or engage.Signs of peritoneal mesothelioma incorporate pounds loss and cachexia, abdominal swelling and struggling because of to ascites (a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity).Publicity to airborne asbestos particles boosts one’s risk of producing malignant mesothelioma.Mesothelioma diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma has a peak incidence 35-45 many years following asbestos exposure. Malignant mesothelioma is a uncommon sort of cancer in which malignant cells are found in the sac lining the chest or abdomen. Most individuals with malignant mesothelioma have on worked on work the place they breathed asbestos.It can also happen in kids even so, these instances are not believed to be linked with asbestos coverage.Most individuals who acquire mesothelioma get worked on careers in which they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other approaches, these kinds of as by washing the clothing of a household member who worked with asbestos, or by household renovation making use of asbestos cement goods.Treatment options a mesothelioma diagnosis for the management of malignant mesothelioma incorporates medical procedures, chemotherapy, radiation, and multimodality treatment. Surgical procedure in victims with sickness confined to the pleural area is reasonable.Extrapleural pneumonectomy is a a lot more in depth process and has a greater mortality rate. Not long ago, the mortality charge has been decreased to three.eight%. It will involve dissection of the parietal pleura division of the pulmonary vessels and en bloc resection of the lung, pleura, pericardium, and diaphragm followed by reconstruction. It gives you the greatest neighborhood handle for the reason that it removes the overall pleural sac along with the lung parenchyma.The 2 surgical methods utilized are pleurectomy with decortication and extrapleural pneumonectomy.Surgical resection has been relied on because radiation and chemotherapy get maintain of been ineffective unequivocal solutions. There are now a number of cancer therapy options open to mesothelioma sufferers. Extrapleural pneumonectomy for chosen victims with quite early stage disorder may well broaden recurrence-totally free survival, but the influence it has on overall survival is unidentified at this time.

About the Author

I am a researcher for the navy. I spend most my time these days working on the history of asbestos use in the navy. Mostly for legal reasons.

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How can you tell if someone has lung cancer?

Question by Bill: How can you tell if someone has lung cancer?
My boss lost a lot of weight I think he has lung cancer. He keep coughing and he looks very week . When he does cough it is in a very week way . I think he Hiding it from everyone. He keeps drinking whight gain shake. Just last year he was saying how he wants to lose weight Now he cant keep it on. I see him only every few week but he seems week over the phone . He does not look like he,s on chemo. I feel so bad for him.

Best answer:

Answer by srrsrrr
Yeah, it sounds like lung cancer.

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