Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

How fast does lung cancer kill?

Question by Nathan: How fast does lung cancer kill? My grandfather gtot diagnosed with lung cancer in both lungs. Last year he had given up smoking after 60 years of addiction. He’s 76 or so years old. He’s looking pretty … Continue reading

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What are a person’s chances of getting lung cancer who are smokers?

Question by devon.fowler: What are a person’s chances of getting lung cancer who are smokers? I’ve smoked hard for 4 years and light for 5 years what are my chances of getting lung cancer now that I’ve quit for a … Continue reading

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How do you treat small cell lung cancer?

Question by jennifer e: How do you treat small cell lung cancer? My uncle was diagnosed a few weeks ago and the doctors told him it was supposedly the easiest to treat and that he had at least 5 years … Continue reading

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Q&A: Can inhaling helium increase your risk of getting lung cancer?

Question by Ty B: Can inhaling helium increase your risk of getting lung cancer? I inhaled a whole balloon of helium today, and it gave me a slight headache. Can inhaling helium increase your risk of getting lung cancer? Best … Continue reading

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Can a person get lung cancer even if he or she have quit smoking?

Question by fowlgirl19: Can a person get lung cancer even if he or she have quit smoking? My cousin is freaking out that her father will get lung cancer even after he had stop smoking for about 3 years. Will … Continue reading

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What is a typical day like with lung cancer?

Question by Blue Rox: What is a typical day like with lung cancer? I am doing a presentation on lung cancer and I wanted to add something extra besides facts. I want to know what a normal day would be … Continue reading

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Q&A: How long can a person live with stage 4 lung cancer?

Question by Natalie: How long can a person live with stage 4 lung cancer? My Grandpa was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (tumors in both lungs) but they haven’t given him any set time. Does anyone have any idea? … Continue reading

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What color is the lung cancer ribbon?

Question by Ethan Robertson: What color is the lung cancer ribbon? I’m planning on getting a tattoo in memory of my grandma who died of lung cancer. And since I don’t want it to be wrong I was curious what … Continue reading

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Is it possible to have lung cancer at 21?

Question by Joshua: Is it possible to have lung cancer at 21? I had a friend that has smoked for 6 years. He’s 21. He says his right lung is hurting. Could it be lung cancer? Best answer: Answer by … Continue reading

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Q&A: Can Lung Cancer Affect You Mentally or Physically or Both?

Question by matthew_drozd: Can Lung Cancer Affect You Mentally or Physically or Both? I am working on a lung cancer research paper and I need to find out if it affects you mentally or physically or both. I can’t find … Continue reading

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