Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

How much cigarette is enough to cause lung cancer?

Question by Erin: How much cigarette is enough to cause lung cancer? I’ve had about 4 packs of 20 cigarettes in my life in the range of a 2 year’s time, is it enough to cause severe lung cancer? Best … Continue reading

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What is the chance of dying from lung cancer?

Question by Rozaღ: What is the chance of dying from lung cancer? it’s for a school project and i need to know what the chances are for dying of lung cancer. how likely is it that the patient wont survive? … Continue reading

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How long does it take a person to die from lung cancer?

Question by Justin M: How long does it take a person to die from lung cancer? How long does it take a person to die from lung cancer?? Whats the average life span? Best answer: Answer by JayaramanMr. Justin – … Continue reading

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What are the chances of a 16 year old getting lung cancer?

Question by Brianna: What are the chances of a 16 year old getting lung cancer? I get chest pains and shoulder pains kind of a lot also in my collar bones. I have trouble breathing a lot. Before I just … Continue reading

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What is the minimal age for lung cancer?

Question by Rossen H: What is the minimal age for lung cancer? Can a 20 or 25- year old get lung cancer? They have both been light smoker for about 4 years. I ask this because on “thank you for … Continue reading

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How long does lung cancer take to kill you?

Question by Sarah K: How long does lung cancer take to kill you? approximately how long does it take for lung cancer to kill you, and what are some of the signs that it’s advanced (e.g. tiredness, strong fever)? or … Continue reading

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Where can i find some stories about people with Lung Cancer?

Question by amiescke6286: Where can i find some stories about people with Lung Cancer? My mom has lung cancer and my way of dealing with it is to look at stories of other people who have had Lung cancer. I … Continue reading

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How long does it take you to die from lung cancer without help?

Question by Fofo Dogdog: How long does it take you to die from lung cancer without help? Lung cancer from smoking too much when you are old. Best answer: Answer by Memere RN/BAThat’s an impossible question to answer because everyone … Continue reading

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What is the chance of getting lung cancer?

Question by Lace123: What is the chance of getting lung cancer? My dad is 45 years old and turns 46 on June 21. He has been smoking ever since he graduated from college, at age 25, turning 26. So he … Continue reading

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Q&A: What does coughing blood mean with lung cancer?

Question by Enceladus: What does coughing blood mean with lung cancer? When someone has been living for over 2 years with lung cancer, what does it mean when the patient starts coughing up blood? The doctor says there’s nothing they … Continue reading

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