Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

Q&A: Question about lung cancer related to secondhand smoke?

Question by .:Riku’s homegirl:.: Question about lung cancer related to secondhand smoke? If someone is exposed to secondhand smoke often and doesn’t have lung cancer, but starts to show early signs of it, then will it save them if they … Continue reading

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Is a nose bleed common when you have lung cancer?

Question by Geaux Tigers!: Is a nose bleed common when you have lung cancer? My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer last week and he is having his left lung removed this Friday. Today his nose started to bleed. It … Continue reading

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What are my chances of getting Lung Cancer?

Question by Sarah: What are my chances of getting Lung Cancer? I am 18 years old, ive been smoking ciggarettes since i was 14, ive had asthma since i was 4 and my uncle died when he was 22 of … Continue reading

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How bad of a cough do lung cancer patients have?

Question by : How bad of a cough do lung cancer patients have? Is it a terrible cough, constant, or just a cough here and there? I have never smoked before i’m only 15 and I have been to the … Continue reading

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Q&A: What is the life expectancy of a stage 4 lung cancer patient?

Question by A5phyx1at10n: What is the life expectancy of a stage 4 lung cancer patient? My mom was diagnosed this past week with Stage 4 adenocarcinoma lung cancer. We do not know if it is small cell or non-small cell. … Continue reading

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Can a person smoke their entire lives and avoid Lung Cancer?

Question by Get Your Brits Out.: Can a person smoke their entire lives and avoid Lung Cancer? I know the longer you smoke the greater your risk but in theory is it possible? I’ve been worrying about this excessively for … Continue reading

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What prognosis doea a patient have with copd and lung cancer?

Question by Connie B: What prognosis doea a patient have with copd and lung cancer? My husband has had copd for 4 years and now has lung cancer and also has traveled to the lymph node, what prognosis will he … Continue reading

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Q&A: Can pneumonia be mistaken for tuberculosis or lung cancer?

Question by likearock412: Can pneumonia be mistaken for tuberculosis or lung cancer? My grandfather is currently in the hospital with pneumonia. He has a mass on his lung and they said they are going to be testing for tuberculosis that … Continue reading

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What stage of lung cancer does this sound like?

Question by Kaden Russ: What stage of lung cancer does this sound like? My cousin was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, and he won’t mention the stage the cancer is. The doctors said he has about a 25% chance of … Continue reading

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How does lung cancer kill humans?

Question by Ben S: How does lung cancer kill humans? I recently had a friend lose the battle to lung cancer, and I want to know how he died. Was it suffocation? Best answer: Answer by bbno the cancer destroyed … Continue reading

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