Choosing the Right Doctor when Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

Choosing the Right Doctor when Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

Article by Agatha Simona

If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, then the most important task is to select an appropriate mesothelioma doctor. The doctor that you choose should meet your requirements and assist you in all possible ways. Tips for Choosing the Right Doctor for Mesothelioma You should keep in mind certain tips while opting for a doctor after being diagnosed with mesothelioma. Some of these tips are:Look for a doctor who has specialized experience in treating mesothelioma as it is a rare disease and not all doctors have the necessary experience in that field. A mesothelioma doctor should be aware of the asbestos exposure, its diagnosis and the effectiveness of different types of mesothelioma therapy. You should give all necessary details about your case to the doctor and he should be able to give you different treatment options. you can get a mesothelioma medical doctor by following steps:Asking your family doctor or general physician to suggest a mesothelioma specialistFind details from organization like Mesothelioma Applied Investigation Foundation or the American Cancer SocietyTake help from close friends, family members or colleagues who are facing similar health condition and has taken the help of mesothelioma doctorsYou should however, keep in mind that each mesothelioma case is different and the treatment needs to be specific to your condition.While deciding on a mesothelioma doctor you should ask proper questions about his background and qualifications. You can analyze the knowledge and effectiveness of the doctor.Detection of Pleural FluidThe presence of fluid is usually not detected by a routine checkup because the amount of fluids is usually very small. However, when certain disorders happen, the pleural fluid increases and may buildup causing pulmonary symptoms and signs. Once the buildup of fluid occurs, a diagnosis is required.Pleural Effusion Buildup Needs to be establishedIf pleural effusion is suspected, then confirmation needs to be established with a chest x-ray. Ultrasound is also helpful in locating small amounts or collections of isolated pockets of fluid. Chest CT is also used and is very helpful in distinguishing between parenchymal and pleural disease. Chest CT will help to show pleural thickening, pleural based mass, loculecollections of fluid, or pleural calcification.It is important that a mesothelioma doctor should be able to listen to your case and communicate with you about your case. It really is imperative that along with using various mesothelioma treatment options, he is able to comfort you and help you manage your pains.

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Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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Testicular Cancer Treatment In India at Mumbai At Low cost

Testicular Cancer Treatment In India at Mumbai At Low cost

Article by Pankaj Nagpal

Testicular Cancer Treatment In India at Mumbai At Low cost

cancer occurs in the testicles (testes), which are located inside the scrotum, a loose bag of skin underneath the penis. The testicles produce male sex hormones and sperm for reproduction.

Compared with other types of cancer, cancer is rare. But testicular cancer is the most common cancer in American males between the ages of 15 and 34. The cause of testicular cancer is unknown.

cancer is highly treatable, even when cancer has spread beyond the testicle. Depending on the type and stage of testicular cancer, you may receive one of several treatments, or a combination. Regular testicular self-examinations can help identify growths early, when the chance for successful treatment of testicular cancer is highest.

Symptoms of Cancer

cancer can result in a number of signs and symptoms. These may include : –

• A lump or enlargement in either testicle• A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum• A dull ache in the abdomen or groin• A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum • Pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum• Enlargement or tenderness of the breasts• Unexplained fatigue or a general feeling of not being well

Cancer usually affects only one testicle.

Risk factors of Cancer

Researchers don’t know what causes testicular cancer. Risk factors may include : –

• An undescended testicle (cryptorchidism). The testes form in the abdominal area during fetal development and usually descend into the scrotum before birth. Men who have a testicle that never descended are at greater risk of testicular cancer than are other men are. The risk remains, even if the testicle has been surgically relocated to the scrotum. Still, the majority of men who develop testicular cancer don’t have a history of undescended testicles.

• Abnormal testicle development. Conditions that cause testicles to develop abnormally, such as Klinefelter’s syndrome, may increase your risk of testicular cancer.

• Family history. If other family members have had testicular cancer, you may have an increased risk.

• Age. Testicular cancer affects teens and younger men, particularly those between ages 15 and 34. However, it can occur at any age.

• Race. Testicular cancer is more common in white men than in black men. The reason for racial differences in the incidence of testicular cancer is unknown.

Causes of Testicular Cancer

Nearly all testicular cancers begin in the germ cells – the cells in the testicles that produce immature sperm. What causes germ cells to become abnormal and develop into cancer isn’t known.

Tests and diagnosis of Testicular Cancer

Most men discover testicular cancer themselves, either unintentionally or while doing a testicular self-examination to check for lumps. In other cases, your doctor may detect a lump during a routine physical exam.

To determine whether a lump is testicular cancer, your doctor may recommend : –

• Ultrasound. A testicular ultrasound test uses sound waves to create a picture of the scrotum. During an ultrasound you lie on your back with your legs spread. Your doctor then applies a clear gel to your scrotum. A hand-held probe is moved over your scrotum to make the ultrasound image.

An ultrasound test can help your doctor determine the nature of any testicular lumps, such as if the lumps are solid or fluid filled. Ultrasound also tells your doctor whether lumps are inside or outside of the testicle. Your doctor uses this information to determine whether a lump is likely to be testicular cancer.

• Blood tests. Your doctor may order tests to determine the levels of tumor markers in your blood. Tumor markers are substances that occur normally in your blood, but the levels of these substances may be elevated in certain situations, including testicular cancer. A high level of a tumor marker in your blood doesn’t mean you have cancer, but it may help your doctor in determining your diagnosis.

• Surgery to remove a testicle (radical inguinal orchiectomy). If your doctor determines the lump on your testicle may be cancerous, he or she may recommend surgery to remove the testicle. Your testicle will be analyzed in a laboratory to determine if the lump is cancerous and, if so, what type of cancer.

In general, a biopsy or removal of the lump alone isn’t used when testicular cancer is suspected. However, a biopsy may be an option in certain situations, for instance, if you have only one testicle.

Determining the type of cancer

Your doctor will have your extracted testicle analyzed to determine the type of the testicular cancer. The type of testicular cancer you have determines your treatment and your prognosis. In general, there are two types of testicular cancer : –

• Seminoma. Seminomas occur in all age groups, but if an older man develops testicular cancer it is more likely to be seminoma. Seminomas, in general, aren’t as aggressive as nonseminomas, and are particularly sensitive to radiation therapy.

• Nonseminoma. Nonseminoma tumors tend to develop earlier in life and grow and spread rapidly. Several different types of nonseminomatous tumors exist, including choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinoma, teratoma and yolk sac tumor. Nonseminomatous tumors are sensitive to radiation therapy, but not as sensitive as seminomas. Chemotherapy is often very effective for nonseminomas, even if the cancer has spread.

Sometimes both types of cancer are present in a tumor. In that case, the cancer is treated as though it is nonseminoma.

Staging the cancer

Once your doctor confirms your diagnosis, the next step is to determine the extent (stage) of the cancer. To determine whether cancer has spread outside of your testicle, you may undergo : –

• Computerized tomography (CT) : – CT scans take a series of X-ray images of your abdomen. Your doctor uses CT scans to look for signs of cancer in your abdominal lymph nodes.

• X-ray : – An X-ray of your chest may determine whether cancer has spread to your lungs.

• Blood tests : – Blood tests to look for elevated tumor markers can help your doctor understand whether cancer likely remains in your body after your testicle is removed.

After these tests, your doctor assigns your testicular cancer a stage. The stage helps determine what treatments are best for you. The stages of testicular cancer are : –

• Stage I : – Cancer is limited to the testis.

• Stage II : – Cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the abdomen.

• Stage III : – Cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Testicular cancer most commonly spreads to the lungs, liver, bones and brain.

Treatments of Testicular Cancer

The options you have for treating your testicular cancer depend on several factors, including the type and stage of your cancer, your overall health and your own preferences

Treatment options may include : –

• Surgery : – Surgery to remove your testicle (radical inguinal orchiectomy) is the primary treatment for nearly all stages and types of testicular cancer. To remove your testicle, your surgeon makes an incision in your groin and extracts the entire testicle through the opening. A prosthetic, saline-filled testicle can be inserted if you choose. You’ll receive anesthesia during surgery. All surgical procedures carry a risk of pain, bleeding and infection.

You may also have surgery to remove the lymph nodes in your groin (retroperitoneal lymph node dissection). Sometimes this is done at the same time as surgery to remove your testicle. In other cases it can be done later. Your lymph nodes are removed through a large incision in your abdomen. Your surgeon takes care to avoid severing nerves surrounding the lymph nodes, but in some cases severing the nerves may be unavoidable. Severed nerves can cause difficulty ejaculating, but won’t prevent you from having an erection. A newer technique called nerve-sparing surgery may be an option.

In cases of early-stage testicular cancer, surgery may be the only treatment needed. Your doctor will give you a recommended schedule for follow-up appointments. At these appointments – typically every few months for the first few years and then less frequently after that – you’ll undergo blood tests, CT scans and other procedures to check for signs that your cancer has returned. If you have a more advanced testicular cancer or if you’re unable to adhere closely to the recommended follow-up schedule, your doctor may recommend other treatments after surgery.

• Radiation therapy : – Radiation therapy may be a treatment option if you have the seminoma type of testicular cancer. Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy beams, such as X-rays, to kill cancer cells. During radiation therapy, you’re positioned on a table and a large machine moves around you, aiming the energy beams at precise points on your body. Side effects may include fatigue, as well as skin redness and irritation in your abdominal and groin areas. You may experience infertility as a result of radiation therapy. However, as the treated area heals you may regain your fertility.

• Chemotherapy : – Chemotherapy treatment uses drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs travel throughout your body to kill cancer cells that may have migrated from the original tumor. Your doctor might recommend chemotherapy after surgery. Chemotherapy may be used before or after lymph node removal. Side effects of chemotherapy depend on the drugs being used. Ask your doctor what to expect. Common side effects include fatigue, nausea, hair loss, infertility and an increased risk of infection.

• Treatment for advanced or recurrent testicular cancer : – If your cancer hasn’t responded to other treatments or if your cancer has returned, you and your doctor may consider other treatments. You may consider enrolling in a clinical trial. These research studies give you a chance to try experimental treatments and procedures that are being developed for future use. Clinical trials aren’t guaranteed to bring a cure, and side effects of new medications may not be known. Ask your doctor about clinical trials that are open to people with testicular cancer, as well as the possible risks and benefits of experimental treatments.

One treatment being studied for use in advanced testicular cancer is stem cell transplant. Before a stem cell transplant, you’re given drugs that coax your body’s bone marrow stem cells out of your bones and into your bloodstream. Then the stem cells are filtered from your blood and frozen for later use. You then undergo high doses of chemotherapy to kill any cancer cells in your body, which may also kill bone marrow cells. Your stored stem cells are thawed and put back into your body to replenish your bone marrow cells. Please Log on to: Log on to: Us :

About the Author

Welcome to World Class Treatment and Surgery by We Care Health Services, India. Contact Us : http://www.indiahospital || E-mail us on : || Contact Center Tel. :(+91) 9029304141. The surgery and medical treatments offered by We Care Health Services at JCI Accredited / ISO Certified Hospitals are vast and varied; ranging from Heart Surgery in India, Cardiology to Cardio Thoracic surgery, Total Knee / Hip / Ankle / Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery in India including ACL reconstruction Surgery to Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India , Spine Surgery in India like Discectomy / Laminectomy Surgery, Cervical Decompression to Anterior / Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in India, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer surgery, Sterotactic Radiotherapy, Autologous / Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery to Breast Cancer treatments, Near relative Kidney Transplant Surgery to Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy, Low Cost Liver Transplants Surgery, Hysterectomy (Vaginal / Abdominal) to Ovarian Cystectomy, Hernia repair Surgery to Cholecystectomy, Advanced Neurosurgery in India, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, Eye Surgery in India, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery to LASIK Eye care Surgery, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor to Surrogacy, Minimally Invasive surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery to Cochlear Implants, Breast Lift / Tummy Tuck, Face Lift to Low Cost Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery, multi specialty Hospitals in India offering first world treatments with board certified highly qualified medical consultants in attendance at third world prices..

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Progression, Treatment & Care of Metastasis Mesothelioma

Progression, Treatment & Care of Metastasis Mesothelioma

Article by Agatha Simona

Mesothelioma cancer is a rare disease that starts in the tissue that makes up the lining of several important organs. These tissues are made up of Mesothelial cells and when asbestos fibers are introduced, they mutate then infection causes liquid to dry up around the lungs, heart, or abdomen.The presence of fluid is usually not detected by a routine checkup because the amount of fluids is usually very small. However, when certain disorders happen, the pleural fluid increases and may buildup causing pulmonary symptoms and signs. Once the buildup of fluid occurs, a diagnosis is required.Common Forms of Mesothelioma CancerThe most common form of Mesothelioma cancer is Pleural Mesothelioma. 75 percent of all victims of this cancer suffer from this form. The other forms are called Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma Other very rare forms are testicular and vaginal forms.The Process of Metastasis is the name for the process of cancer spreading from the initial area of infection to other areas of the body. Metastasis Mesothelioma results from the spread of the primary tumor to parts of the patient that are far from it. For instance, a sufferer of Pleural Mesothelioma cancer, which manifest its self in the tissue surrounding the lungs can metastasizes to the brain.The Development of Metastasis Mesothelioma Cancer CellsFor Metastasis Mesothelioma to develop the cancer cells must acquire two separate abilities;Increased motilityIncreased invasivenessMesothelioma cancer cells that metastasize are typically the same type as those in the original tumor. If the cancer cells that spread to other areas arises during the metastasizing process they keep their original cell structures. A Metastasize Mesothelioma cell in the liver is the same as the ones in the lining of the lungs; they just have become more mobile and invade other organs.Treatment of Metastasis Mesothelioma CancerWhen Metastasis Mesothelioma is diagnosed by a physician he or she will decide on the kind of treatment that is best. The kind of treatment is determined by various factors and these treatments often include chemotherapy and radiation treatments to attempt to slow the spreading of Metastasis Mesothelioma. This type of cancer typically metastasizes in its latter stages so the uses of palliative treatments are also factored in because patients rarely recover from later stages of Metastasis Mesothelioma.If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer, they may be eligible for financial compensation. Check with a Mesothelioma lawyer that handles these kinds of cases and are experts in getting victim and their families the compensation they deserve for their pain and suffering.

About the Author

Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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What are the chances of getting lung cancer after 30 years of being smoke free?

Question by Made_in_America: What are the chances of getting lung cancer after 30 years of being smoke free?
My father is 80 and has not smoked for 30 years. He was just diagnosed with Small Cell lung cancer and will be undergoing an aggressive chemo/radiation therapy. Can an individual get lung cancer after not smoking for 30 years or do you think there is another variable causing the cancer?

Best answer:

Answer by vampire_kitti
of course they can, but after 30 year the risk is almost the same as that of a non-smoker so his cancer is likely to be from second hand smoke of someone else or from other causes.
good luck to your father.

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Some helpful hints on uncovering the ideal asbestos legal professionals.

Some helpful hints on uncovering the ideal asbestos legal professionals.

Article by Gabby Sumananazian

Until eventually the 70s, asbestos was routinely put to use in properties, and when the poisonous naturel of the materials was discovered, some of people properties were torn down, exposing the building staff to asbestos silicates which have poisoned them. Even at present, it is achievable to uncover asbestos in some properties, but there are now stringent regulations about how it can be eliminated, guaranteeing that most people are not exposed to the similar risk. For those who were construction employees in 70s and early 80s, the publicity to asbestos has resulted in serious illnesses, such as a rapid-relocating most cancers known as mesothelioma. For virtually anyone struggling from asbestos-connected illnesses, it makes sensation to get hold of asbestos legal professionals about the drawback, and request compensation.

There are a range of distinctive forms of cancer which are connected to publicity to asbestos. An individual of the most perfectly well-known of these asbestos cancers is Mesothelioma. This develops a large number of many years immediately after the asbestos has been inhaled, and is related with inflammation prompted by the silicates. This most cancers develops through tumors in the lung and coronary heart linings, or in the belly cavity space. Since this is this sort of an extremely fast transferring cancer, it is thought about recommended for the patient to search for guide from asbestos legal professionals as quickly as conceivable.

An additional wide variety of asbestos cancers is asbestos-affiliated lung most cancers. It is considered to be a high-threat for those people who had been exposed to the material. It is these lung cancers which are diagnosed significantly more than any other number, and among 5 and 10 thousand customers are thought to have died each and every yr for the earlier 20 a long time. Given that this sort of lung most cancers is related to whether the asbestos worker is a smoker or not, asbestos lawyers will be essential to search for the help and advice of skilled health professionals in purchase to gain any compensation.

As well as these kinds of asbestos most cancers, sufferers can also experience from other cancers, together with gastrointestinal cancer, and colorectal most cancers. These can also be difficult to diagnose and deal with, that means that sufferers will go for quite a few many years with no need of realizing that they have an everyday life-threatening most cancers. Other cancers contain breast or prostate cancer, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, and leukemia. There is also more risk that the individual can develop cancers in the throat and esophagus, prompted by inhaling the silicate fibers of asbestos. If your healthcare professional has linked any of these illnesses with previous exposure to the materials, then it is essential that you make contact with a lawyer who has knowledge in dealing with these sorts of statements. They can facilitate to information you by way of the knowledge, and their data could be vital.

About the Author

Gabby is an expert on Asbestos Lawsuit

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Lung Cancer – Warning Problems

Lung Cancer – Warning Problems

Article by mely salv

Lung cancer being the most fatal with the cancers worldwide is regarded among the leading causes of death amongst both males and females in the U. VERTISEMENTS. It is the most universal model of cancer in men around the globe whereas, the fifth most familiar form of cancer inside women.

In medical term, the malevolent transformation together with expansion of lung areas causes cancer in lungs, in simple words, the rapid growth of abnormal cells within the lungs leads to cancer which may start anywhere in that lungs and cause asthmatic issues, healthy tissues are destroyed and invaded as well as the whole body is influenced.

When examined under a microscope using a pathologist lung cancer is of two types, that is: ‘

o Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC): This type of cancer is the reason 20% of lung tumors, with smoking being one of the most common causes for SCLC.o Non-Small Wireless Lung Cancer (NSCLC): NSCLC is responsible for 80% of lung malignancies, which have related signs and symptoms. This includes Squamous wireless carcinoma (also called epidermoid carcinoma), Substantial Cell Carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma together with Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Treatment of cancer (lung) varies as it draws on the exact location and also the extent of spread. Often, there are no definite signs or symptoms in the early staging, as they only occur later in your advance stages.

It is only on the routine chest X-ray or CT scan that most cancers (in the lungs) as coin lesions, is detected in it has the tumour form which appears to be a coin. Some on the symptoms of cancer (lung) include things like:

A persistent cough which worsens in time to comeAggravation of an old chronic coughBlood appearing coughed upBreathing difficulties such as shortness of breathassociated with hoarseness and wheezingConsistent chest painRepeated problems of bronchitis or pneumonia

Painful face and neckUnexplained weight reduction and/or fatigue

Some other symptoms related to late-stage cancer (lung) include:

Headache, bone pain, soreness joints, bleeding or circulation clots,Bone fractures not connected with accidental injury,Neurologic symptoms- unsteady go walking and/or intervallic memory reduction.

The numbers of deaths a result of cancer (in the lungs) are more as opposed to the total number of deaths attributed to colon, prostate, ovarian, lymph plus breast cancers combined. About 85% of lung cancer cases are due to cigarette smoking. This conditional on the correlation between numerous cigarettes smoked and the sheer number of years of indulging with the vice. However, the risk of developing lung cancer is often reduced by quitting cigarettes, as 90% of lung cancer as a result of tobacco use.

Apart from tobacco, other causes of Cancers (in the lungs) really are increase in pollution values, radiation and asbestos being exposed.

About the Author

symptoms of lung cancer in women can also be as varied as anemia, headaches, hoarseness, skin rashes and muscle weakness. Paying attention to bodily changes and not ignoring even slight but troubling conditions may go a long way in protecting you from the unfortunate effects of cancer.

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Q&A: would should I do to minimize my chance of dying from lung cancer?

Question by Lucas: would should I do to minimize my chance of dying from lung cancer?
I smoked for 4 years in my 20s. I’ve quit and haven’t smoked for years. But the risk of lung cancer still scares me. I’m 36 now. I hear lung cancer is a deadly disease once you get it, but I heard it’s curable if discovered early, is that true?

What are my chances of getting it, and if I do get it, what do I need to do to make sure I discover it early? Getting screened every 6 month after a certain age?

Best answer:

Answer by Gilda
If you don’t have chest pain or aren’t coughing up excessive phlegm or blood, don’t worry about it.

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Top 7 FAQs Diagnosis of Mesothelioma Cancer

Top 7 FAQs Diagnosis of Mesothelioma Cancer

Article by Agatha Simona

Mesothelioma is a disease which is caused due to asbestos exposure. Though there is no complete cure for this cancer, if diagnosed early, this is a treatable disease. So it is critical that you go in for screening for this disease on a regular basis if you have been working with asbestos at your workplace.Some Common FAQs for Diagnosis of Mesothelioma Cancer1. How long does mesothelioma take to show up after exposure?This depends on the about of asbestos inhaled, the duration and the types and length of fibers inhaled. It usually takes 20 to 50 years for its symptoms to start appearing.2. How can mesothelioma be diagnosed?Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma are quite similar to various other lung disorders. It cannot be diagnosed easily and only a qualified doctor can diagnosed for sure through certain tests that you have mesothelioma cancer. He will be able to bring out a strong relationship between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma cancer.3. How is mesothelioma diagnosed?Only a qualified oncologist who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer can diagnose mesothelioma. A proper diagnosis involves analyzing the medical history of the patient and also bringing out a relationship between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. After this, a detailed physical examination is conducted that includes a check for lumps, chest x-rays and abdominal x-rays and lung functioning tests. A CAT scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can help in viewing images and areas inside the body. Once these tests show positive results for mesothelioma, a biopsy is used to confirm the existence of mesothelioma where the tumor is removed for examination and the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer cells are evaluated.4. What should I do after getting my diagnosis?You should know that nature and complexity of the mesothelioma cancer. The first step after the mesothelioma diagnosis is to identify a doctor who can help you with finding out the latest mesothelioma treatments options. You should also develop a list of questions to find out all details about it. Ask the doctor for clarifications to get answers to all you queries. In case, you were affected with asbestos exposure at your workplace, then you can opt for your mesothelioma legal rights and get mesothelioma settlement.5. What is the next step after a mesothelioma diagnosis?If you have a diagnosis for mesothelioma, then you should opt for a proper treatment option ( You should refer to an oncologist who can give you details about the various options, costs and effectiveness of the various treatments.6. Which are the organizations which can help me with information about mesothelioma?You can also contact organizations like the American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute and other local bodies.7. Is it necessary to take a second opinion?A diagnosis for mesothelioma requires a second opinion unless you are absolutely sure that you have the disease. Most of the times, the diagnosis is correct but there might be chances that oncologists might not have done it properly. Therefore, it is better to go in for second opinion. They can advice you on mesothelioma but they may not be aware of the latest advances in the treatment of this cancer.

About the Author

Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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Q&A: Where can i find statistics on lung pain and how often that is lung cancer?

Question by SF kid: Where can i find statistics on lung pain and how often that is lung cancer?
i am so scared, it’s a really scary thing reading about the low survival rates of people with lung cancer.

Best answer:

Answer by Extroverter
Lung cancer is extremely rare in the young and in non-smokers. It is a disease which effects mainly the older patient who has been a heavy smoker for most of his/her life. You have nothing to worry about…..except if you start smoking and continue to do it…heavily….for the next 30 or 40 years (if you are in your teens)

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Combination Therapy Cancer Treatment in India at Mumbai and Bangalore at Low Cost.

Combination Therapy Cancer Treatment in India at Mumbai and Bangalore at Low Cost.

Article by Pankaj Nagpal

Combination Therapy Combination therapy may benefit patients with specific genetic subtype of non-small cell lung cancer, study finds Even when their tumors are shrinking in response to therapy, some non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients have a scattering of cancer cells that are undeterred by the drug, causing the tumor to resume its growth, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center scientists report in the January issue of Cancer Cell. The findings suggest that identifying such patients and treating them with a combination of drugs from the very start of therapy can produce longer remissions.

Combination therapy may benefit patients with specific genetic subtype of non-small cell lung cancer, study finds

Even when their tumors are shrinking in response to therapy, some non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients have a scattering of cancer cells that are undeterred by the drug, causing the tumor to resume its growth, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center scientists report in the January issue of Cancer Cell.The findings suggest that identifying such patients and treating them with a combination of drugs from the very start of therapy can produce longer remissions.

One of the triggers for resistance, the researchers found, is HGF, a ligand or “hook” that activates the MET protein.

One of the triggers for resistance, the researchers found, is HGF, a ligand or “hook” that activates the MET protein. When activated, HGF works through two entirely different channels to produce drug resistance, the authors report. First, it can generate cell-growth signals through a protein called GAB1. Second, it expands the number of MET-amplified cancer cells, ensuring they will become the dominant type in the lung tumors. “Not only can HGF spur cell growth on its own, it can speed up the process by which MET-amplified cells emerge and take over the composition of the tumor. In about 20 percent of NSCLC patients who are resistant to Tarceva the mechanism is amplification of MET, and in another 20 percent it may involve HGF. The findings suggest that patients whose NSCLC tumors harbor even a few MET-amplified cells prior to treatment would benefit from drugs that specifically target those cells, in combination with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Jänne notes that such drugs are already being studied in clinical trials. A thorough analysis of a patient’s cancer prior to treatment can establish how it would ultimately develop resistance to therapy, allowing us to tailor treatment with greater precision to prevent resistance. “For example, cancers found to harbor a small population of cells with pre-existing MET amplification will likely benefit from adding MET inhibitors to initial treatment. Those without such cells may not benefit, and these patients can avoid the added toxicity of MET inhibitors and instead focus on other strategies to prevent their cancers from becoming resistant.”

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Pankaj Nagpal – About the Author:Welcome to World Class Treatment and Surgery by We Care Health Services, India. Contact Us : http://www.indiahospital || E-mail us on : || Contact Center Tel. :(+91) 9029304141. The surgery and medical treatments offered by We Care Health Services at JCI Accredited / ISO Certified Hospitals are vast and varied; ranging from Heart Surgery in India, Cardiology to Cardio Thoracic surgery, Total Knee / Hip / Ankle / Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery in India including ACL reconstruction Surgery to Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India , Spine Surgery in India like Discectomy / Laminectomy Surgery, Cervical Decompression to Anterior / Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in India, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer surgery, Sterotactic Radiotherapy, Autologous / Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery to Breast Cancer treatments, Near relative Kidney Transplant Surgery to Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy, Low Cost Liver Transplants Surgery, Hysterectomy (Vaginal / Abdominal) to Ovarian Cystectomy, Hernia repair Surgery to Cholecystectomy, Advanced Neurosurgery in India, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, Eye Surgery in India, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery to LASIK Eye care Surgery, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor to Surrogacy, Minimally Invasive surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery to Cochlear Implants, Breast Lift / Tummy Tuck, Face Lift to Low Cost Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery, multi specialty Hospitals in India offering first world treatments with board certified highly qualified medical consultants in attendance at third world prices..

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