Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

What are the chances of survival from Lung Cancer?

Question by Erica: What are the chances of survival from Lung Cancer? My mother in law has just found out she has lung cancer and a tumor in her lung. She will be getting surgery to remove the tumor tomorrow. … Continue reading

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Q&A: Where can I find good lung cancer hospice care?

Question by Enceladus: Where can I find good lung cancer hospice care? I’m looking for information about hospice care for terminal lung cancer patients. I’d like to know about good hospices. Where are they? Which countries have good hospice/palliative care … Continue reading

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How long does it take for a person who had lung cancer to recover from having 1/2 of their lung removed?

Question by Haznad1: How long does it take for a person who had lung cancer to recover from having 1/2 of their lung removed? My friend had the top and part of the middle right lung removed on Jan 31, … Continue reading

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How long do you have to be around smoke to get lung cancer?

Question by Pureinfamy: How long do you have to be around smoke to get lung cancer? Yeah….how long do you have to “second hand” smoke before you develop lung cancer? I heard it can happen if you’re around a smoker … Continue reading

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Q&A: What is the average age that smokers get lung cancer?

Question by Momothewallabe: What is the average age that smokers get lung cancer? Statistically speaking, what is the average age that smokers who develop lung cancer are diagnosed? Again statistically speaking, how long has the average lung cancer patient who … Continue reading

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Is chemotheraphy effective on curing lung cancer? Does people actually survive with this type of sickness?

Question by crisha: Is chemotheraphy effective on curing lung cancer? Does people actually survive with this type of sickness? I have a relative who has a lung cancer but she doesn’t even smoke. I have a relative who has a … Continue reading

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How can I make a patient with lung and brain cancer more comfortable?

Question by Sigurros: How can I make a patient with lung and brain cancer more comfortable? My mom has lung cancer that has spread to the brain. Her head is titled down and can’t lay down right or eat a … Continue reading

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Can cancer spread to the brain when someone is haveing chemo for lung cancer?

Question by WENDY D: Can cancer spread to the brain when someone is haveing chemo for lung cancer? I have stage 4 lung cancer. The doctor said it was not in my brain in june 07 I have had 11 … Continue reading

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What are the first signs of Lung Cancer?

Question by jayjay: What are the first signs of Lung Cancer? Hopefully you can tell me from your own personal story. Hubby is not a smoker but he is a deputy sheriff and he has spent alot of time in … Continue reading

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What is the life expectancy for Small Cell Lung Cancer with out treatments?

Question by pdiduvall: What is the life expectancy for Small Cell Lung Cancer with out treatments? My mother (age 63) was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer in June 08. She has choosen not to have any treatments for it. … Continue reading

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