Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

Q&A: Can Lung Cancer be detected in a chest x-ray when you have pneumonia?

Question by exposions: Can Lung Cancer be detected in a chest x-ray when you have pneumonia? I recently went in to the doctor because I had a persistent cough. It started at the beginning of summer, lasted for about 6 … Continue reading

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Q&A: When do people typically get lung cancer?

Question by SammyK: When do people typically get lung cancer? I’m doing a cancer project in my Bio class i can’t find the age rang that lung cancer normally develops lung caner. Please help. Best answer: Answer by Moderate SomberAlthough … Continue reading

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what are the symptoms of lung cancer?

Question by Caleb H: what are the symptoms of lung cancer? i am an idiot. last year in october of 2006 or so i guess outside there was like burning of liek the stuff they use to make roads or … Continue reading

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How does lung cancer cause someone’s face to significantly change shape?

Question by Rush Limbaugh: How does lung cancer cause someone’s face to significantly change shape? a man by the name of Bryan Curtis was diagnosed with lung cancer……. and in 2 months time; went from looking perfectly healthy to looking … Continue reading

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What are the chances of getting lung cancer after 30 years of being smoke free?

Question by Made_in_America: What are the chances of getting lung cancer after 30 years of being smoke free? My father is 80 and has not smoked for 30 years. He was just diagnosed with Small Cell lung cancer and will … Continue reading

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Q&A: would should I do to minimize my chance of dying from lung cancer?

Question by Lucas: would should I do to minimize my chance of dying from lung cancer? I smoked for 4 years in my 20s. I’ve quit and haven’t smoked for years. But the risk of lung cancer still scares me. … Continue reading

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Q&A: Where can i find statistics on lung pain and how often that is lung cancer?

Question by SF kid: Where can i find statistics on lung pain and how often that is lung cancer? i am so scared, it’s a really scary thing reading about the low survival rates of people with lung cancer. Best … Continue reading

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What can you bring foodwise or giftwise to a friend with lung cancer?

Question by nemesis: What can you bring foodwise or giftwise to a friend with lung cancer? I am visiting a friend that has lung cancer that has spread. What can I bring as a helpful or fun gift? Foodwise anything? … Continue reading

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Is the smoke in cigarettes what really will cause lung cancer?

Question by Nick P: Is the smoke in cigarettes what really will cause lung cancer? I know that in general that smoking gives you lung cancer, but what I’m wondering is if it is the smoke itself, or what is … Continue reading

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What is the percentage rate CHANCE of a person with a LUNG CANCER?

Question by rafaelray_6395: What is the percentage rate CHANCE of a person with a LUNG CANCER? i want to know what is the percentage rate of chances that a person to survive that have a LUNG CANCER stage two(2). thanks … Continue reading

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