Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

Q&A: How long will i take to develop lung cancer?

Question by smartypants: How long will i take to develop lung cancer? I had i puff of my cuz cigarette’s (3).I didn’t smoke the whole things tho. I just wanted to know if it likely 4 me to get lung … Continue reading

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For how long have people known about lung cancer?

Question by Adam C: For how long have people known about lung cancer? If someone came to a doctor in the early nineteenth century with blatant symptoms of lung cancer, would they have recognised it? When did doctors discover lung … Continue reading

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Q&A: How many stages of lung cancer are there?

Question by A-dawgg.: How many stages of lung cancer are there? I just found out my grandpa has stage 3 lung cancer. how many more stages is there? Best answer: Answer by ANSCLC are assigned a stage from I to … Continue reading

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How much/long do you have to smoke to get lung cancer?

Question by Rol: How much/long do you have to smoke to get lung cancer? Smoking causes lung cancer, that i know.. At what point does it kill you, depending on how much your a smoker Best answer: Answer by Angela … Continue reading

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Q&A: what is the survival rate for stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the bone?

Question by nicole c: what is the survival rate for stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the bone? 63 yr old male has stage 3 lung cancer after surgery lungs are clear but metastasis noted in bone in pelvic … Continue reading

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How does genetics play a role in lung cancer?

Question by louise: How does genetics play a role in lung cancer? I’m wondering how i can explain dna/genetics when talking about lung cancer. thanks! Best answer: Answer by CruserrrI hope not! I don’t think so, because lung cancer is … Continue reading

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How long does it take to get lung cancer when smoking 1-2 cigarettes a day?

Question by Lukas: How long does it take to get lung cancer when smoking 1-2 cigarettes a day? Im 13 and can i get lung cancer if i smoke 1-2 cigarettes per day? if so how long does it take … Continue reading

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Can you get lung cancer by breathing in cancerous cells from a cell line?

Question by Kutdks: Can you get lung cancer by breathing in cancerous cells from a cell line? Can you get lung cancer by breathing in cancerous cells from a cell line? Best answer: Answer by RoriesHahahaahahha! I just asked my … Continue reading

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If you have lung cancer from asbestos exposure, it is mesothelioma or can you have other types of lung cancer?

Question by Meg: If you have lung cancer from asbestos exposure, it is mesothelioma or can you have other types of lung cancer? If your lung cancer is from asbestos, is it diagnosed mesothelioma or can you have other types? … Continue reading

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What are the major vaccines treatments, or therapies for lung cancer?

Question by A: What are the major vaccines treatments, or therapies for lung cancer? I need to know the major treatments for lung cancer, thanks a lot, Please no, just need to know the treatments thank you And also … Continue reading

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