Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

Q&A: Where can someon go to get tested for lung cancer in los angeles or california ?

Question by *******L…A ‘S FINEST******: Where can someon go to get tested for lung cancer in los angeles or california ? I have been a hard core smoker for 23 years and am trying to stop smokeing cigerettes . Cancer … Continue reading

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Q&A: what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old?

Question by Crystal: what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old? what are the chances of getting lung cancer for a 13 year old if she is around smoke all the time.. like if her … Continue reading

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Q&A: Who was the first person do “discover” lung cancer?

Question by Kels: Who was the first person do “discover” lung cancer? I am doing a research paper for my heath class, and Im doing mine on lung cancer. One of the things we need to have in our report … Continue reading

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When teens smoke can they get lung cancer?

Question by Cashvill: When teens smoke can they get lung cancer? I’m 15 years old I use to smoke about once a day until I couldn’t breathe correctly and I’ve getting pains in my chest. Could this be a sign … Continue reading

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Q&A: Can anyone give me any sites that have specific statistical data on lung cancer cases in India?

Question by Vivienne Rose: Can anyone give me any sites that have specific statistical data on lung cancer cases in India? Statistical data on Lung Cancer cases of both women and men in general (does not have to be by … Continue reading

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Q&A: What are the causes for lung cancer?

Question by Wii: What are the causes for lung cancer? What causes lung cancer? I need to know what the tobacco smokes does to the cells to cause them to not function well. Like does the smoke change the cell … Continue reading

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Can an ultra sound detect Lung Cancer? Or would a CAT scan or other tests be needed to make sure?

Question by WOODSEY NILES: Can an ultra sound detect Lung Cancer? Or would a CAT scan or other tests be needed to make sure? Is it possible that a person could have lung cancer for a few months or more, … Continue reading

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Is there a cure for lung cancer through alternative medicine?

Question by maudie72: Is there a cure for lung cancer through alternative medicine? They just found a lump behind my breast bone in the lymph node, I’m waiting for petscan. Looking for any and all information connected with lung cancer … Continue reading

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Is Anthropogenic Global Warming really as certain as lung cancer for a life-long smoker?

Question by Dr.T: Is Anthropogenic Global Warming really as certain as lung cancer for a life-long smoker? House Democrats said Thursday that denying humans were causing climate change is like denying smoking causes lung cancer. Since the World Health Organization … Continue reading

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Q&A: what dog would be good for my grandma who is in the last stages of lung cancer?

Question by Jenn: what dog would be good for my grandma who is in the last stages of lung cancer? My grandma’s dog , a Pekingese, died yesterday. She has lung Cancer and we are wanting to get her a … Continue reading

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